Kim’s goal was to be at her pre-baby weight before she returned to work and SHE WAS! The day she returned a couple co-workers commented “it looks like you never even had a baby!” As she thought to herself! Yeah….that was my goal!

Client Testimonials, Weightloss, Women's Health

July 8, 2023

I hit my goal!

Certainly! Here’s a list of some great pre and post-workout snacks to fuel your fitness journey: Pre-Workout Snacks: Banana with almond butter Greek yogurt with granola Oatmeal topped with berries Whole grain toast with avocado Energy balls made with nuts and dates Apple slices with peanut butter Rice cakes with hummus Smoothie with spinach, banana, […]

Energy, Health, Nutrition, Performance, Protein, Snacks

July 8, 2023

Best Pre and Post Workout Snacks

  INGREDIENTS For the Salad (serves 1) 1-2 cups Red butter lettuce, or favorite mixed greens (100- 150 g) 1/2-1 Tbsp Good balsamic vinegar (15 g, I use a fruit infused from Baker and Olive) Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup Grilled chicken, chopped (100 g) 1/4 cup Cherry tomatoes, halved (30 g) 1/4 cup Blueberries (30 g) 2 Tbsp Green onions, chopped (10 g) 2 tsp Feta cheese (I used a dairy-free) (10 g) […]

Food Friday, Health, Meal Prep, Nutrition, Recipe, Side Dishes

June 24, 2023

Lily Eats and Tells Blueberry Chicken Salad with Herb Pesto

  Even though we may not have met those goals we wanted to reach by this summer, embrace the progress you have made! Keep being proud of who you are!

Mindset, Self Care, Women's Health

June 24, 2023

Rock your summer self!

  1- Stay Hydrated – add in electrolytes when your sweating or moving more outside. 2- Enjoy Fresh summer fruits & Veggies. 3- Get outside & stay moving! Sunshine & Movement are medicine! 4- Get Creative with Grilling or new summertime recipes! 5 – Try and new activity or sport! Most of these I feel […]

Health, Healthy Habits, Self Care

June 24, 2023

Tips for a healthy, happy summer!

Here are three ways to create some summer structure! Set a summer schedule – yes things might be more fluid but you can and still should set a schedule. Think about training – nutrition & work. Each Week Look at your “special events” and plan your nutrition & training around those things. Decide what really […]

Healthy Habits, Mindset, Self Care, tips

June 24, 2023

Does summer feel like a free for all?

Ingredients: 10 English muffins 400g fat free Marinara (I used Whole Foods brand) 50g umami black garlic sauce (optional) 33g parmigiano reggiano 60g chopped hot peppers 200g 2% Mozzarella 60 slices turkey pepperoni (Applegate brand, found at Whole Foods) 33g hot honey (optional) Per 4 pizzas:* 515 Cals 33g protein 64g carbs 15g fat

Appetizers, Health, Nutrition, Recipe, Snacks

June 23, 2023

Pepperoni Pizza Bagel Bites

  Traveling does not mean compromising on your health and nutrition goals! With the right mindset and a few savvy strategies, you can keep your nutrition on point while exploring new places. Here are my top tips to help you embrace a travel-friendly mindset that keeps your body happy and energized throughout your adventures. 1️⃣ […]

Healthy Habits, Mindset, tips, Travel

June 23, 2023

Wanderlust and Wellness – 6 Tips to a Healthy Mindset While Traveling

Hi everyone, welcome to today’s live! I’m very excited to be here with you all. Today, we’ll be discussing the importance of getting movement outside over the summer and how it can be a nice break from the monotonous gym routine. It’s been raining like crazy here in Colorado, but hopefully those of you in […]

Coach - Summits Amazing Staff, Move Better, Performance

June 11, 2023

How to Prioritise Movement Outside during the Summer!

Client WINS are the bomb! Hello Summer! Hello Abs!

Client Testimonials

June 3, 2023

I can see abs!