1. You need to poop!
  2. You ate more salt than normal.
  3. You ate more carbs than normal.
  4. You are about to start your period.
  5. You are recovering from a hard workout.
  6. You are a human – not a robot. It happens!


The scale can hold so much power and influence our mood, but remember these six things!

Take back your power and don’t give the scale an inch cause she will take a mile!


Kim’s goal was to be at her pre-baby weight before she returned to work and SHE WAS!

The day she returned a couple co-workers commented “it looks like you never even had a baby!”

As she thought to herself! Yeah….that was my goal!

In the long run (and often in the short term) Your will power will NEVER beat your environment.

Most often it is not about willpower. It is about setting up our environment for success!  Having the right foods there to eat instead of the crap.  Having our gym clothes set out and ready.  Creating the appointments for our own self care even if it means a walk or an hour at the gym.

Rely less on willpower and rely more on your environment.  This can also mean eating enough on the regular.  If you are depriving yourself of too many calories then the next day you may find you have no willpower because…girl, you’re hungry from not eating enough the day before.  Find the happy medium and live in the middle.  It may not be as “fun” but it certainly will help you to feel and be your best!

Tops 3 Ways to Speed up Fat Loss

Increase your NEAT – move more everyday

– take the stairs – use a stand up desk 

– take a walk on your work break


Eat enough lean Protein – 

0.7 times body weight or goal body weight –

This will keep you full and provide everything your body needs while eliminating extra hunger for empty calories that add up quickly


Get more Sleep in order to manage stress-

The Stress/ sleep connection to fat loss is unarguable!

If you are living life stressed to the max and sleep deprived – you body could care less about fat loss. It is just trying to survive.

These are 3 Core Habits and things that you can focus on now to make Fat Loss happen consistently.  It won’t be overnight but it will happen!

Pst…..you going to a festival/fair and enjoying things for one day is NOT going to kill your progress. 

I’d recommend you try all the things that you’d like but go with friends so you can share! 

It is true, because your body is now a lean, mean running machine. You might not feel the best after the beer and fried food but it’s one day.  Hydrate well and get right back in the grove the next day!  It will all be fine!

“For the first time ever I am not up 5 pounds every weekend.  These changes really have made a difference!”



The #1 thing that  almost all of our clients are not doing when they come to us is eating enough of the right foods!!!

When we get intake where it should be and balanced meals in place…..


Funny how that works huh!

Do you find it harder to lose weight now that you’re over 40? 

4 Important things that you can do to support hormones through menopause. 

1-Eat more fiber and coniferous veggies

2-Moderate alcohol

3-Manage your metabolic shift by adjusting calorie intake

4-Lower cortisol by taking daily walks outside

These are the woes that a TON of our clients struggle with.  Previously they were able to lose weight easily when they focused and were diligent but now everything has shifted. Now it feels like no matter what you try nothing seems to help.

Eating the right things to support the hormonal shift that is happening in our bodies matters.  Including more fiber and cruciferous veggies is key also. 

The other factor is your metabolism.  This is a key time when things shift and making sure your intake matches your expenditure is important also.

Moderating Alcohol is important during this stage of life because alcohol has a direct effect on hormone production. The other thing that is key is walking!  Adding in a daily walk to your already consistent exercise routine can have great positive impact on those hormones also.  You become more sensitive to stress during this time and walks (especially outside) are a great way to bring that cortisol down and bring those happy hormones up!

I bought a pair of jeans last summer and hadn’t been able to fit in them … .I tried them on last week and THEY FIT! & LOOK BOMB! 

Thank you so much for helping me be aware of what my body needs and seeing wins like this  on top of it! – SA

Precision Nutrition introduced us to the traffic light eating method.

This system can help you define your own “green light,” “yellow light,” and “red light” foods based on how they work for you. Spoiler alert: “Red light” doesn’t mean bad.

Quality nutrition is important in choosing foods—but you also have to factor in your likes and dislikes, habits, goals, and mindset.


Green light foods = anytime, anywhere foods

These are foods you eat regularly and with ease. You can eat them normally, slowly, and enjoy reasonable servings.

A lot of whole foods usually make up most of this list, but your list may also have foods that you enjoy just because, in amounts that work well for you.

Nutrient density isn’t the only criteria here: Your “green lights” are foods that you enjoy, fit with your culture and lifestyle, and that make you feel great physically and mentally when you enjoy them!


Yellow light foods = “sometimes” / “maybe” / “smaller dose” foods

Your “yellow lights” are foods you might eat occasionally, with awesome caution or more mindfulness.

Maybe they trigger a bit of indigestion (but not a full-scale emergency trip to the restroom).

Perhaps you prefer to enjoy them in small, bite-sized doses. Or only on certain occasions, like out at a restaurant with friends.

It’s worth noting that yellow light foods don’t have to be “problem” foods.


Red light foods = foods you typically avoid, minimize, or make less available

Red light foods aren’t bad. They’re just foods that you choose not to eat (at least most of the time).

Here is why some Red light foods might not work for you:

  • They don’t help you achieve your goals
  • You tend to overeat them
  • You’re allergic to them
  • You can’t easily digest them
  • You just don’t like them
  • Ultra-processed foods often fall into this category since many folks find that, once they start eating them, they can’t stop. Some people even call them “trigger foods,” because after taking a single bite, they blink, and the couch is covered in Dorito dust and empty ice cream cartons.

This doesn’t mean you avoid these foods all the time.

You might not want to keep the freezer stocked with Cherry Pie, but perhaps you’ll happily enjoy a generous slice on a special occasion.

At the same time, so-called “healthy” foods can wind up on the red light list too.

If green beans makes you gag, put it on the red light list. ( who wants to eat foods they hate?)

If eggs cause you to break out in hives, that’s a red light.

If plain, baked chicken breast makes you feel like a deprived dieter, you guessed it—red light food.


Worth noting again: Just because it’s on your Red light list doesn’t mean you can never eat it again. In fact, unless you have severe allergies, it can be worth experimenting with now and then.

You might grow to love something you currently dislike. Or become better at eating it in moderation.

I personally have been able to move many foods from my red light list to my yellow light list.  Give it a go! You just might like their traffic light method.