There are 2 types of carbohydrates: SIMPLE and COMPLEX

  • Complex Carbohydrates or “Smart Carbs” are polysaccharides. Since they have more than 2 sugar groups linked together.
  • Simple carbohydrates contain smaller more easily processed molecules known as mono and disaccharides. They contain either 1 sugar molecule or 2 linked together.

Examples of Carbohydrates

  • Dairy – Milk, Yogurt, and Ice Cream
  • Fruit – Whole Fruit and Fruit Juice
  • Grains – Bread, Rice, Crackers, and Cereal
  • Legumes – Beans and other plant based proteins.
  • Starchy Vegetables – Potatoes, corn and certain squash.
  • Sugary Sweets – Soda, candy, cookies and other desserts

How Does your body process Carbs?

  • All Carbohydrates we consume are broken down and digested into simple sugars before they are absorbed by the body.
  • It doesn’t matter if the source is simple sugar cube or a high fiber low glycemic index bowl of oatmeal.
  • The difference is that the “Smart Carbs” are digested and absorbed much slower while the “non-smart” carbs are digested very quickly.

Why are Carbohydrates important?

  • Carbohydrates are primarily a source of immediate ENERGY for all of your body’s cells. ESPECIALLY FOR ATHLETES!
  • Carbohydrates are key for maximum: Energy Speed Stamina Concentration Recovery Better fluid balance
  • Think of carbohydrates as the gas needed to fuel a car. Without gas, a car won’t run. Without carbohydrates, your body will NOT have the fuel it requires to support your daily mental and physical activities.

How many carbs should we consume?

  • EXAMPLE: Active Adult Female – Exercises about 4-5 times per week – Healthy Body mass Eating approximately 2,000 calories to maintain body weight 40% of her recommended calories would come from Carbohydrates (4cals per 1 gram) 2,000 x .40 = 800 calories 800 calories / 4 cal = 200 grams
  • If you know your recommended calories you could estimate that approximately 35-40% of your calories could come from Carbohydrates. If you need a recommendation reach out.

If we are not tracking our food and good rule of thumb is: 1 Cupped hand = A serving of carbs (20-30 grams) 3-6 times per day.

Can overconsumption of Carbohydrates be bad?

What does that mean? If you are over consuming carbs and not using them thru daily activity and movement those excess carbs can be stored as fat. It’s important to be conscious of not only the amount of carbs we consume but also our activity.

I think you get the idea.

Making a few important swaps can make a huge impact on your carbohydrate impact. Focus on quality fuel by eating MORE Smart carbs and Less refined simple carbohydrates.

Certainly! Here’s a list of some great pre and post-workout snacks to fuel your fitness journey:

Pre-Workout Snacks:

Banana with almond butter
Greek yogurt with granola
Oatmeal topped with berries
Whole grain toast with avocado
Energy balls made with nuts and dates
Apple slices with peanut butter
Rice cakes with hummus
Smoothie with spinach, banana, and protein powder
Trail mix with nuts and dried fruit
Whole grain crackers with turkey slices or cheese.

Post-Workout Snacks:

Protein shake with whey or plant-based protein powder
Grilled chicken or salmon with sweet potatoes
Cottage cheese with pineapple or berries
Quinoa salad with vegetables and chickpeas
Greek yogurt with honey and nuts
Tuna or chicken wrap with whole grain tortilla
Hard-boiled eggs with whole grain toast
Chocolate milk or a protein smoothie
Hummus with carrot sticks or whole grain pita bread
Grilled tofu or tempeh with roasted vegetables.
Remember, these are just some ideas, and you can mix and match according to your taste preferences and dietary needs. It’s essential to find snacks that provide a good balance of carbohydrates and protein to fuel your workouts and support muscle recovery. Stay hydrated, listen to your body, and enjoy your fitness journey


If you are tracking your food, this is the BEST way to pre plan.

Try not to get in the habit of tracking your meals after you have eaten them.  Its a guess at best. Your not being proactive with your targets and its just a “shoot from the hip” approach that slows progress.

Pre-Plan and I promise you will see and feel the benefits very quickly!


Micah realized that learning to fuel for his super busy, active job was key. And when he got there, his energy was endless!

No more wanting to fall asleep on the drive home.

No more afternoon crashes.

Just sustainable energy all day!



  1. Eat 30 grams of protein for breakfast! You will be surprised how much this impacts your energy, output and focus for the day.
  2. Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep! Less than this and we are sleep deprived. Hit 7 consistently and you will feel SO MUCH BETTER!
  3. Eat 3 servings of veggies each day! I don’t care if it’s the same three veggies, just eat them! Your digestion, gut health and mental clarity will drie you to go all in on this!
  4. Get outside for at least 15 minutes everyday (even with it’s cloudy)! The difference that this will make on your mental and physical health will be incredible. Give it 21 days and tell me how you feel!


  1. Random bedtimes and wake times! Your body loves consistency in both nutrition and sleep. Try to get to bed and wake up at similar times both during the week and on the weekends.
  2. Caffiene in the afternoon. The average half-life of caffiene is 6-8 hours, so that bang or coffee at 2:00 could be killing your sleep. Although you might fall asleep easily, staying asleep and getting restful sleep is severely effected by caffiene!
  3. You’re not getting enough sunshine! Getting outside and letting that sunlight shine on your face, skin, and eyes is creating a wake/cortisol response. Without it, often it can throw off your bodies circadian rhythm and create poor sleep patterns!

You may need Magnesium –

When stress is high or we are training hard our body can become depleted of magnesium. The reason is when cortisol is high your body pours on the magnesium in order to try to “put out the fire” but that can cause serious magnesium deficiency.

Some signs this might be the case for you:
Crappy Sleep
Super Moody
Slow Recovery
Constantly craving sugar

Magnesium is used in more than 500 different cellular reactions in your body.

It is crucial for your brain, heart, blood sugar levels and your mood.

Magnesium rich foods are leafy greens, avocados, seeds, legumes, and my favorite….dark chocolate.

Include these foods regularly but supplementing can be helpful too.  I take 300mg and hour before bed.

I love Pure Encapsulation’s
Jigsaw Health
You can also find Calm at most grocery stores locally.

“My co-worker was passed out on the ground after 4 long days of work and I just kept going. I know how I am eating is making a huge difference in my stamina.” -SN

Crazy right! This is not the first feedback we have gotten from clients when I comes to how much better their energy is!

Why “Eat Less, Move More” Isn’t Enough

Lauren Gunter | October 2, 2022

You’ve been told that in order to lose weight, you need to eat less and move more. And that is technically true. However, sometimes you’re doing all that you can to follow that simple rule, and nothing seems to be changing.


Even if you understand that way calorie intake and expenditure work, and you trust the science, it’s still really hard to execute for some reason.


On Sunday, you stock your fridge with you celery and prepped chicken, and grapes, you signed up for CrossFit, you scheduled food prep and workouts into your calendar like they’re an important work meeting. And yet, by Friday afternoon you have wilted spinach in your fridge, your gym owner is reaching out asking where you’ve been, and there’s not a prepped meal in sight.


After this cycle repeats itself week after week, it’s easy to feel frustrated and even a little hopeless. “What’s wrong with me?” we ask ourselves. First of all, nothing. Nothing is wrong with you. You do a lot of really great things like work, raise your family, keep your home clean, support your friends, and while these are all such great things, they definitely complicate the simplicity of “eat less, move more.”


We do a lot of things that actually decrease our ability or desire to move, and increase our desire to eat, especially calorie-dense (but not nutrient-dense) foods.

Job – stress, long hours

Family – complaining, constant need for support, can drain you

Sleep – bad sleeper? Waking up, can’t get to sleep

Partner – loves you the way you are and also loves Taco Bell

Take-out – it just saves SO much time

Shame – for eating poorly, so you continue to do it

Kids – you love them, but they’re energetic and take up a lot of energy, especially if child care isn’t consistent

Pain – if you have any kind of injury, moving more can feel good, but it can also increase your pain

Meds – using them to help boost mental health, but certain ones also increase your appetite


Every one of you is a complicated person with your own set of obstacles when it comes to “eat less, move more” and that’s why even though that is technically true, it’s not even close to enough. This is why coaching is so helpful, because we want to know the whole story so that we can give you a plan that will work FOR YOU.


If you’re not working with a coach right now, a good place to start is identifying what makes “eat less, move more” so difficult in the first place, and start taking action steps with those.

This can looks like:

  1. If social situations are the issue: having a tough and awkward conversation with the person who you make bad decisions around. If your partner is constantly bringing you a treat out of the goodness of their heart, explain what your goals are and why, and try to find a solution so they can still show you love, but also help move you toward your goals instead of away from them.
  2. If anxiety and worry, or even busyness are the issue: journal for a few minutes before going to sleep to create some separation and resolve from those thoughts so that your mind can relax and fall asleep.
  3. If the shame of not being consistent is the issue: keeping a food AND feelings journal. Most of you have tracked your food at some point, stop neglecting logging when you get that Taco Bell, and start journaling your feelings around that eating experience. What were you feeling that made you want to get it? How did you feel while you were eating it? How did you feel after, and why is that? This can be scary, but it will help you start working through some of these shameful feelings.


This doesn’t really sound like nutritional advice, so why do those things matter? Because the outcomes make EVERYTHING easier, and when it’s easier, you’re more likely to do it.


Having that hard conversation is awkward, but if this person loves you and wants to support you, usually a compromise can be reached. Instead of eating out 5 times per week, decrease it to 3. They still get to eat out, you get two more healthy meals. Being vulnerable is what deters us from doing this, but we often feel more loved and support after. Prioritising your health is NOT selfish.


Getting some of those anxious thoughts out of your head, even if it’s just temporary, can help you to relax a little more, get better sleep, and have the energy to make better choices like eating at home, or have more energy to move, like walking to work.


Keeping a food journal can help us recognize triggers. Every time I hit a drive thru unplanned, it happens to fall on a day where I had to work late and I leave the office hangry and tired. I feel shame for eating it, and also for not being home with my family for dinner. Once you KNOW this, you can start planning to change it. Spending some extra time with your family in the morning when you know it’s going to be a long day, or bringing a protein bar with you for the car ride home so that your hungriness doesn’t take over and you’re able to think through your dinner choice and eat slowly can help save you hours of stress and hundreds of calories.


The changes are small at first, but over time, you’re able to eat a little cleaner and move a little more, AND most importantly, feel better about the choices you’re making. Your body will begin responding to these changes, and the emotional and physical health together are what lead to those bigger changes we’re all chasing.


Eat less and move more does still work. But we are all complex, and it takes more than you hitting your macros or going to CrossFit every day to see the changes you are looking for. Look behind your difficulty with eating right or working out consistently. How are you managing your stress? How are you sleeping? What are you doing for recovery? It might actually be these things that are preventing your progress.


It may seem like this will prolong the process, but caring for your mental health, sleep, and recovery give you the fuel you need to actually follow through on those nutrition and fitness goals you have.

Let’s get it stated right!

Here are some quick and easy back to school options for breakfast!
Whether you’re in school or not you may need something quick and on the go!
Starting your day off right with a great breakfast will set you up for success for the rest of the day!!

  1. Pre-made B-fast Burritos
  2. Baked Oatmeal
  3. Chia Protein Pudding
  4. Yogurt & fruit or granola
  5. Protein pancakes or waffles 
  6. Overnight oats
  7. Egg Bake
  8. Egg white bites / muffins
  9. Protein Muffins or Banana Bread