There are 2 types of carbohydrates: SIMPLE and COMPLEX

  • Complex Carbohydrates or “Smart Carbs” are polysaccharides. Since they have more than 2 sugar groups linked together.
  • Simple carbohydrates contain smaller more easily processed molecules known as mono and disaccharides. They contain either 1 sugar molecule or 2 linked together.

Examples of Carbohydrates

  • Dairy – Milk, Yogurt, and Ice Cream
  • Fruit – Whole Fruit and Fruit Juice
  • Grains – Bread, Rice, Crackers, and Cereal
  • Legumes – Beans and other plant based proteins.
  • Starchy Vegetables – Potatoes, corn and certain squash.
  • Sugary Sweets – Soda, candy, cookies and other desserts

How Does your body process Carbs?

  • All Carbohydrates we consume are broken down and digested into simple sugars before they are absorbed by the body.
  • It doesn’t matter if the source is simple sugar cube or a high fiber low glycemic index bowl of oatmeal.
  • The difference is that the “Smart Carbs” are digested and absorbed much slower while the “non-smart” carbs are digested very quickly.

Why are Carbohydrates important?

  • Carbohydrates are primarily a source of immediate ENERGY for all of your body’s cells. ESPECIALLY FOR ATHLETES!
  • Carbohydrates are key for maximum: Energy Speed Stamina Concentration Recovery Better fluid balance
  • Think of carbohydrates as the gas needed to fuel a car. Without gas, a car won’t run. Without carbohydrates, your body will NOT have the fuel it requires to support your daily mental and physical activities.

How many carbs should we consume?

  • EXAMPLE: Active Adult Female – Exercises about 4-5 times per week – Healthy Body mass Eating approximately 2,000 calories to maintain body weight 40% of her recommended calories would come from Carbohydrates (4cals per 1 gram) 2,000 x .40 = 800 calories 800 calories / 4 cal = 200 grams
  • If you know your recommended calories you could estimate that approximately 35-40% of your calories could come from Carbohydrates. If you need a recommendation reach out.

If we are not tracking our food and good rule of thumb is: 1 Cupped hand = A serving of carbs (20-30 grams) 3-6 times per day.

Can overconsumption of Carbohydrates be bad?

What does that mean? If you are over consuming carbs and not using them thru daily activity and movement those excess carbs can be stored as fat. It’s important to be conscious of not only the amount of carbs we consume but also our activity.

I think you get the idea.

Making a few important swaps can make a huge impact on your carbohydrate impact. Focus on quality fuel by eating MORE Smart carbs and Less refined simple carbohydrates.


Can you improve your metabolism and if so how?

Not all things related to the metabolism do you have control over, however there is a lot you do so… Yes you can improve your metabolism and here is how:

#1 –  Increase your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): NEAT includes all of your daily movement outside of organized exercise (think, walking into the grocery store, fidgeting through your work meeting, etc.) How can you add more movement to your day outside of your hour at the gym?

#2 – Strength train and participate in high-intensity exercise: This will help you build and hold onto more lean muscle mass.

#3 – Sleep: Quality sleep directly impacts your energy levels and hormone balance. Block blue light before bed and have a night time routine

#4 – Nurture Healthy hormones—especially your primary stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol primes your body for fat loss (vs. retention). And when you have more energy throughout the day, your NEAT goes up, and you push harder in the gym; both contribute to a more significant calorie burn.

#5 – Maintain a healthy body weight: Keeping body fat in a healthy range and holding onto lean muscle can increase your BMR and RMR.

#6 – Make sure you’re eating enough—especially protein!

That last one is the kicker and may be where you’re getting hung up.  How do you know if you’re eating enough?

Shoot us a DM and we can chat specifics.

Do you find it harder to lose weight now that you’re over 40? 

4 Important things that you can do to support hormones through menopause. 

1-Eat more fiber and coniferous veggies

2-Moderate alcohol

3-Manage your metabolic shift by adjusting calorie intake

4-Lower cortisol by taking daily walks outside

These are the woes that a TON of our clients struggle with.  Previously they were able to lose weight easily when they focused and were diligent but now everything has shifted. Now it feels like no matter what you try nothing seems to help.

Eating the right things to support the hormonal shift that is happening in our bodies matters.  Including more fiber and cruciferous veggies is key also. 

The other factor is your metabolism.  This is a key time when things shift and making sure your intake matches your expenditure is important also.

Moderating Alcohol is important during this stage of life because alcohol has a direct effect on hormone production. The other thing that is key is walking!  Adding in a daily walk to your already consistent exercise routine can have great positive impact on those hormones also.  You become more sensitive to stress during this time and walks (especially outside) are a great way to bring that cortisol down and bring those happy hormones up!

“I focused on cutting out alcohol, being more mindful of portions and adding in more greens and less starchy carbs!” 

Isn’t it crazy the change that we can see just by making some small sustainable changes?!?

Examine your weekend habits….what should stay and what should go?

Then take ACTION!

Knowledge is not power ACTION IS!

Start today!

What weekend habit of yours could use some tweaking?

What does A fast metabolism, a happy outlook have to do with one another?

The key to this connection is the hunger hormone leptin. This hormone tells your brain that you feel full.

Leptin impacts not only your appetite but your mood as well.

When leptin declines, it sends a signal to your body that you need to eat. That stimulates dopamine production, which in turn increases your motivation and mood.

So hunger is good but too much is not. Create a happy healthy balance and both your mood and your metabolism will thank you!