Is your Metabolism the issue?


Can you improve your metabolism and if so how?

Not all things related to the metabolism do you have control over, however there is a lot you do so… Yes you can improve your metabolism and here is how:

#1 –  Increase your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): NEAT includes all of your daily movement outside of organized exercise (think, walking into the grocery store, fidgeting through your work meeting, etc.) How can you add more movement to your day outside of your hour at the gym?

#2 – Strength train and participate in high-intensity exercise: This will help you build and hold onto more lean muscle mass.

#3 – Sleep: Quality sleep directly impacts your energy levels and hormone balance. Block blue light before bed and have a night time routine

#4 – Nurture Healthy hormones—especially your primary stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol primes your body for fat loss (vs. retention). And when you have more energy throughout the day, your NEAT goes up, and you push harder in the gym; both contribute to a more significant calorie burn.

#5 – Maintain a healthy body weight: Keeping body fat in a healthy range and holding onto lean muscle can increase your BMR and RMR.

#6 – Make sure you’re eating enough—especially protein!

That last one is the kicker and may be where you’re getting hung up.  How do you know if you’re eating enough?

Shoot us a DM and we can chat specifics.

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