Can I sub a greens powder for my broccoli?

I get this ALL THE TIME!   

The celebrities endorse it so it must be good right!?!

It’s got so many more micronutrients than even my fruits and veggies do so it MUST BE A BETTER OPTION RIGHT?!?

#1 – Those celebrities get a MAJOR kickback from these companies for sharing / supporting their brand and that not to say that I don’t support that because I hope to have a steady stream of income someday from affiliate marketing too but just because everyone else is doing it does not mean its what you need.

#2 – What are your goals?  Are you looking for a sub for a vitamin or mineral supplement and are looking at these greens powders as a great alternative.  Then perhaps this is a GREAT OPTION for you.

#3 – Are you looking to SWAP OUT YOUR FRUITS OR VEGGIES with this supplement cause you just are too lazy to make them or just plain don’t like them? Then I would say GROW UP! Lol! Ok, I know that’s a little harsh but seriously …let’s stop eating like children and start fueling ourselves like grownup wise adults!!!! 

#4 – I want you to EAT veggies because they FILL YOU UP!  I want you to EAT veggies because the act of eating and chewing is INTEGRAL TO DIGESTION AND SATISFACTION AT EACH MEAL!  I want you EAT veggies because the fiber and pre-and probiotics KEEP YOU FULL AND STATIATED for a very long time and if your goal is fat loss that’s EXACTLY what we need!

There are 2 types of carbohydrates: SIMPLE and COMPLEX

  • Complex Carbohydrates or “Smart Carbs” are polysaccharides. Since they have more than 2 sugar groups linked together.
  • Simple carbohydrates contain smaller more easily processed molecules known as mono and disaccharides. They contain either 1 sugar molecule or 2 linked together.

Examples of Carbohydrates

  • Dairy – Milk, Yogurt, and Ice Cream
  • Fruit – Whole Fruit and Fruit Juice
  • Grains – Bread, Rice, Crackers, and Cereal
  • Legumes – Beans and other plant based proteins.
  • Starchy Vegetables – Potatoes, corn and certain squash.
  • Sugary Sweets – Soda, candy, cookies and other desserts

How Does your body process Carbs?

  • All Carbohydrates we consume are broken down and digested into simple sugars before they are absorbed by the body.
  • It doesn’t matter if the source is simple sugar cube or a high fiber low glycemic index bowl of oatmeal.
  • The difference is that the “Smart Carbs” are digested and absorbed much slower while the “non-smart” carbs are digested very quickly.

Why are Carbohydrates important?

  • Carbohydrates are primarily a source of immediate ENERGY for all of your body’s cells. ESPECIALLY FOR ATHLETES!
  • Carbohydrates are key for maximum: Energy Speed Stamina Concentration Recovery Better fluid balance
  • Think of carbohydrates as the gas needed to fuel a car. Without gas, a car won’t run. Without carbohydrates, your body will NOT have the fuel it requires to support your daily mental and physical activities.

How many carbs should we consume?

  • EXAMPLE: Active Adult Female – Exercises about 4-5 times per week – Healthy Body mass Eating approximately 2,000 calories to maintain body weight 40% of her recommended calories would come from Carbohydrates (4cals per 1 gram) 2,000 x .40 = 800 calories 800 calories / 4 cal = 200 grams
  • If you know your recommended calories you could estimate that approximately 35-40% of your calories could come from Carbohydrates. If you need a recommendation reach out.

If we are not tracking our food and good rule of thumb is: 1 Cupped hand = A serving of carbs (20-30 grams) 3-6 times per day.

Can overconsumption of Carbohydrates be bad?

What does that mean? If you are over consuming carbs and not using them thru daily activity and movement those excess carbs can be stored as fat. It’s important to be conscious of not only the amount of carbs we consume but also our activity.

I think you get the idea.

Making a few important swaps can make a huge impact on your carbohydrate impact. Focus on quality fuel by eating MORE Smart carbs and Less refined simple carbohydrates.