Think about the on ramp to the interstate.

It may seem small and insignificant but making the decision or getting on it leads to big things.  

Life is the same way. 

The little things matter! 

There are so many small decisions we each make everyday! 

Do you brush aside the little things thinking they don’t really make a difference?

  • Habits 
  • Choices
  • Foods
  • Skills
  • Thoughts

Let’s look at a day, just real quick. Stick with me here! 

You love to snack on almonds.  A healthy delicious option for a snack right! Your goal is fat loss and because of that you are tracking your food to assure that you’re in a caloric deficit so you can achieve your goals. Ok so you routinely weight your almonds out. 28 grams is a serving. It has been many months that you do that and you feel like you have a pretty good handle on what that serving looks like so you no longer weigh it out.  You reach in grab a handful and off you go…..CLOSE ENOUGH right?

Time for coffee. You love that new oat milk creamer. So creamy and delicious!  And again, you have been doing this long enough you don’t need to measure.  You know what a serving is. 

You’re in the break room at work, those cheesecake bars are one of your favorite’s.  I just grab a little corner.  It won’t add up to much.  I’ll be sure to track it later. 

Back at your desk your coworker is raving about the yummy salty snack mix that she made extra spicy and after that cheesecake bar something salty sure sounds great.  Sure…”I’ll try a handful”  And of course I’ll remember to track it later.

It’s 3:00 in the afternoon.  I need a little pick me up.  Let’s go grab half caf coffee for just a little energy and on the way back to your desk you walk by that candy bowl.  “Oh my, that snickers sounds so good with this coffee.  One mini snickers is not going to ruin my day.   I can make that work.  And Amie is always talking about working in those things that I want to so… ok…I’ll grab just one and track it later”

It’s now 7:30 we are running home after kids baseball practice and you did not have time to put something in the crockpot.  Looks like Subway it is.  That’s a good healthy option. You get the usual chicken bacon ranch with double meat (all the protein) and extra spinach and light on the ranch.  You dig into it and wow, they definitely did not go light on the ranch! This thing is swimming in dressing.  “Oh well what can I do about it now?”  Meanwhile you grab a couple potato chips from your son’s bag and before you head out the door, you’ve had just a bite of your daughter’s chocolate chip cookie.  Off to home and the day is over.  Your home and getting kids set for bed, dishes cleaned up from this morning and you are shot and head to be yourself. 

Sound like a typical day?   Meanwhile, we are on to the next marathon day two.   

None of those micro choices were terrible by any means however at the end of the day they added up to over 450 calories and the deficit that Amie has set for your fat loss goals is 500 so for that day there just was not enough of a deficit to see change.  

Now just imagine 2 weeks of that and at the end of the two weeks you’re frustrated and irritated that things are moving.  You feel like you don’t see changes in your body and your feeling like this isn’t working and you’re on the verge of giving up!    

I get it! It is not easy but we have to be realistic and open our eyes to the fast that THE LITTLE THINGS MATTER!  Again, there will be a day when fat loss is not your priority when you will not be tracking your food and you have learned a balanced sustainable way to maintain your weight however that is not today!  No shame, we all have been there but we have to own it and open up to the fact that we may need to make adjustments!

What micro choices are you forgetting to account for that could be stalling your progress? 

Or what choices are derailing you?  


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