Cure All? Magic Pill?

There isn’t one of course but if there was… Fish oil might have a fighting chance!

Omega-3 supplements have been shown to help with depression, ADHD, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, and psoriasis. They can also be very beneficial for pregnant women and those with hormone or fertility issues.

Fish oil is an excellent dietary source of omega-3 fatty acid’s. These are substances your body needs for everything from muscle activity to cell growth and regeneration.

Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be made in the body they have to be derived from food.

Fish oil contains two types of omega-3‘s. called docosahexaenoic acid DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid EPA.

Dietary sources of DHA and EPA are fatty fish such as salmon, macro, trout, shellfish, muscles, oysters, and crabs.

Omega 3’s also are found in flaxseeds Chia seeds and flax oil but studies have shown these sources are not as effective as taking an omega three fish oil supplement. The reason is these seeds contain omega-3’s called ALA’s that must then be broken down by the body into EPA and DHA. Studies have shown only 2-10% of ALA actually gets converted to EPA and DHA. Translation- you’d have to eat a lot of seeds to get enough EPA and DHA. Fish oil is more bioavailable.

The ratio of EPA to DHA also matters. It’s generally recommended that the higher the EPA to DHA the better. However, the DHA levels should not be too low either. DHA is essential for cognitive development and growth in the brain of babies and also normal brain function in adults.

I like Nordic Naturals because they are harvested in an environmentally friendly way to ensure they’re not overfishing. I have also used SFH’s fish oil and like that too. One of my favorites is Omega Pure EPA–DHA 500 from NutraDyn.

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