Is fear of failure what’s holding you back?
Do you find that you put off or avoid any activity or scenario that has the potential for an unsuccessful outcome.Do we feel too scared to try new things, take risks or embrace growth for fear of failure.
I completely understand. Failing is scary and uncomfortable.
Perhaps instead of just feeling like we need to work harder or just do better maybe we adjust both our targets and our mindset.
Creating realistic and sustainable goals is the first place to start. Working with a coach who will help to evaluate what will work to challenge you and what is realistic are two big considerations!
Secondly, failure is never actually failure. What can we learn when things don’t go our way? What lesson can we take away or how can we adjust next time! All these things make failure a lesson and learning is never failing.
Just some food for thought. 🙂 Try to not allow fear to be the reason you don’t take on challenges or new things! There is so much joy in new adventures and opportunities!!
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