How to fight that “Negative Nelly” mindset and let Positive Polly win!!!


 Just like physical training our mindset is trained like our muscles also. We might have a regular inclination but just because we have ruts in the road does not mean we have to drive in them.

Here are 3 ways that you can make over your Mindset!

1- Develop a Gratitude Practice EVERYDAY – Intentionally focusing on the things that we have to be grateful for releases dopamine and creates a truly positive foundation for your over all life experiences.

2 – Find ways to Give back and Give to others.  Having a positive impact on the lives of others brings joy and contentment.  We know Jesus said it best “there is more happiness in giving than in receiving” but the truth is it truly is a simple way to find more joy and positivity in our lives daily.

3 – Let go of the Victim Mentality – I get it. I want to wallow in misery and feel like the world is out to get me too and If you need a moment or two like that ok take it but then move on and let it go.  Time and unforeseen occurrences happen to all of us. You are not the only one that has had bad things happen, and in truth it is not what happens that defines us but HOW WE RESPOND to what happens that defines us!

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