Can I sub a greens powder for my broccoli?

Can I sub a greens powder for my broccoli?

I get this ALL THE TIME!   

The celebrities endorse it so it must be good right!?!

It’s got so many more micronutrients than even my fruits and veggies do so it MUST BE A BETTER OPTION RIGHT?!?

#1 – Those celebrities get a MAJOR kickback from these companies for sharing / supporting their brand and that not to say that I don’t support that because I hope to have a steady stream of income someday from affiliate marketing too but just because everyone else is doing it does not mean its what you need.

#2 – What are your goals?  Are you looking for a sub for a vitamin or mineral supplement and are looking at these greens powders as a great alternative.  Then perhaps this is a GREAT OPTION for you.

#3 – Are you looking to SWAP OUT YOUR FRUITS OR VEGGIES with this supplement cause you just are too lazy to make them or just plain don’t like them? Then I would say GROW UP! Lol! Ok, I know that’s a little harsh but seriously …let’s stop eating like children and start fueling ourselves like grownup wise adults!!!! 

#4 – I want you to EAT veggies because they FILL YOU UP!  I want you to EAT veggies because the act of eating and chewing is INTEGRAL TO DIGESTION AND SATISFACTION AT EACH MEAL!  I want you EAT veggies because the fiber and pre-and probiotics KEEP YOU FULL AND STATIATED for a very long time and if your goal is fat loss that’s EXACTLY what we need!

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