“It is interesting… since I have focused on getting in more lean proteins and veggies I find that I am not getting sick as often! Who knew this would be a great “side effect of focusing on nutrition!” KS What a great side effect of proper nutrition! We all would love to be more resilient!
December 3, 2022
Here are some different foods that are nourishing and some what appetizing when we don’t feel well. Bone Broth Hot Tea Crackers Toast Apple Sauce Chicken Soup Coconut Water Electrolytes Pancakes Cuties or Oranges Baked Apples See it on Instagram Here: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClqurhuL5qG/
December 2, 2022
You have heard the wives tale “starve a cold feed a fever”. Well this really is not founded in any science. The goal should be to simply listen to your body. If you don’t feel like eating don’t and if you do, do. The most important thing that you SHOULD focus on is hydration. Hot […]
December 1, 2022
Looking for a way to increase your vegetable and fiber intake as well as moderate your carbohydrate intake? Add in Zucchini noodles and swap for half your pasta or swap half your rice for riced cauliflower. Add in riced beets & Zucchini to soups, sauces or meatloaf! Let us know how you add veggies to […]
November 20, 2022
I feel like I am making better choices when I am eating out and cooking at home more than ever! -JT This was shared in an intake review with a current client of coach Allison’s. How great is it to see people feeling better not only about choices but also about efforts to prep and cook […]
November 19, 2022