There Is Freedom In Contemplation


Motivation and determination can give us the desire or spark needed to get started but long term success requires a shift in mindset and a rewiring of daily habits.

Why are we making the decisions that we are?

What is our motivation?

What is our roadblock?

When the wheels come off the bus what is the precursor or the trigger?

Is it work stress?
Family stress?
An old defeating thought that flooded in?
A comparison of ourselves to others?
A focus on the past or fear of the future?

We have to take the time to stop and reflect on where we are and what brought us here.

We need to meditate on things that trigger determination and also the things that make us come unraveled.

When you can identify the thought or the emotion…..then you take its power and the control it has over you!

At Summit Health we help our clients focus on constant self-reflection.

  1. Cindy says:

    Great post…….I can personally say that stress of 1 kind above was leading to stress in other areas of my life. It was a domino effect. Until my family as a whole made the decision to step away from some of those stresses. I can see a total mind shift for the better for all of us. There is so much more peace in my life. I needed to make those changes for my health and well being. I could not keep “going through the motions” and staying “stuck” because that is just the way it is!…….Everything can be changed. Nothing is set in stone besides the fact we will owe a death someday. The rest is just chapters in a book that we are writing. My new chapter will be the best one yet.

  2. Chad says:

    Love this!
    We can expect the wheels to fall off the bus at some point. The better we are prepared for it the easier and quicker it will be to put them back on.

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