“One thing that I have noticed over the last year is I have not been sick.”

“One thing that I have noticed over the last year is I have not been sick. My kids have been and normally I catch EVERYTHING but there has been a shift. I can not believe how much changing how I eat has impacted my life in ways I never expected” – N.S

Body fat used to be thought of as inert, a form of storage. But scientists now know that the tissue is biologically active, producing hormones and immune-system proteins that act on other cells, promoting a state of nagging low-grade inflammation even when there is no infection.”

Are you ready to get off the “energy roller coaster” and take your health into your own hands?

I know a lot of you have probably seen the CNN report that people who are overweight or obese are at a much higher risk of much more sever disease and even death from Covid-19. I wanted to share this research shared in the New York Times “We’re seeing the same inflammatory cytokines that I see in the blood of the really sick patients being produced in response to infection of those tissues.”

Body fat used to be thought of as inert, a form of storage. But scientists now know that the tissue is biologically active, producing hormones and immune-system proteins that act on other cells, promoting a state of nagging low-grade inflammation even when there is no infection.

Inflammation is the body’s response to an invader, and sometimes it can be so vigorous that it is more harmful than the infection that triggered it. “The more fat mass, and in particular visceral fat mass, the worse your inflammatory response,” Dr. McLaughlin said, referring to the abdominal fat that surrounds internal organs.

According to the O’Hearn Journal of the American Heart Association 63% of hospitalizations for specifically Covid could have been prevented if those individuals had been metabolically healthy.

30% of excess hospitalizations have been linked to obesity alone.

I don’t want to be polarizing here but I want to be clear.  We know that creating Healthy Habits with both Nutrition and Movement are key to building better immunity.  Chad and I were hit with this reality hard in the face 10 years ago and never looked back! We have friends who educated us and inspired us at that very time who now eat fast food and drink coca cola almost everyday! (I’m not saying you can’t enjoy some of those things but on the regular you and I both know they are NOT THE BEST CHOICES!)  It floors me!!! How can you KNOW and turn a blind eye?  Ultimately it doesn’t really matter.  Everyone has free will and gets to make their own personal health choices. We are here for Health.  I can not unlearn what I know and I won’t turn a blind eye and I want to help you do the same! 

We are here for you.

Are you ready to get off the energy roller coaster and take your health into your own hands?


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