I feel happiest when….

Each week we share a journal prompt that we ask our clients to reflect on. 

Why is journaling so beneficial? 

  • It Reduces Stress
  • Improves Immune Function
  • Keeps Memory Sharp
  • Boosts Mood
  • Strengthens Emotional Resilience

Allow yourself time this week to reflect and journal on the prompt below.  

This week we are focusing on the benefits of self reflection and joy.

Allow yourself time this week to reflect and journal on the prompt below.

I feel happiest in my skin when……


As I reflected on this the things that continued to come up were…


I am happiest when I am spending time with my family and friends.  It doesn’t have to be doing anything special either.  Just dinner on the deck, working in the yard, driving to a movie.  I enjoy it all!

I am happiest when I am dedicated in my worship. When I spend my time giving and teaching and helping others connect to our creator.  Having those “AH HA” moments where they finally find peace and answers that they have always searched for.

I am happiest when I am in nature.  It can be working in the yard, hunting for mushrooms in the woods, climbing mountains or a bike ride thru the meadows.  Whatever it is it feeds my soul!

As I take this time to reflect just thinking about these things brings me JOY AND HAPPINESS.  Let’s say its been a tough week….We are struggling to pull ourselves out of a funk, we have extra anxiety or we feel that dark cloud of depression wanting to settle in…What can we do?

Make those things that bring you personal joy and happiness a priority!  Think about them, visualize them and the joy they will bring and create a plan to enjoy at least one of those activities.  That is how we can take our reflections and make them translate to action and progress.  Enjoy your Thursday everyone and be sure to rally your thoughts on what makes you happy.

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