Want fat loss? Want your clothes to fit better? FACT! Why should you strength train regularly !
1- Boosts fat loss!
Muscle burns metabolically more calories than any other tissue on the body. Increasing muscle means you will burn more fat even when you’re sedentary
2- builds stronger bones!
Weight-bearing exercise actually can strengthen bones so as we age this is super key for longevity and health!
3- Reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Building more muscle and maintaining it helps the bodies response to excess fat and carbohydrates. In turn reducing your risk of these lifestyle diseases
4- reduces your risk of injury
Along with building stronger bones lifting weights build stronger tendons and connective tissue which intern can make you more resilient and resistant to small tweeks & sprains
5- more lean muscle looks darn great and your favorite pair of jeans! Forget what the scale says lean muscle helps us to feel so confident in whatever we’re wearing because we look tight toned and fit!
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