Here are 5 ways to plan out your week so you look forward to Monday!

1 – Have your fridge stocked and meals planned out – ready to roll!

2 – Make sure to plan your Movement – reserve your classes and block out time to get your workout in!

3 – Have your clothes clean and put away. Nothing better than starting the week with an organized clean closet and your favorite outfits ready to roll!

4 – Spend 20 minutes picking up the house especially the kitchen. A mostly clean uncluttered kitchen will help you tackle the week with focus and ease.

5 – Make a list of Friday Finishers.  What things do you want to accomplish by Friday.  This will help you approach the week with goals and intention and keep you focused ALL THE WAY to Friday!


See this on Instagram Here


1- You let go of the “I’ll start over Monday Mentality” – the next meal, snack or day is always the best place to re-set.

2- Missing a workout is NOT the end of the world. Life happens. It’s ok. I’m doing the best I can

3- You can enjoy eating out. You don’t stress out over not having control over every single bite.

4- Vacation does not mean you treat your body like a garbage can. Eating everything and anything just cause its “vacation”

5- You’re patient. You trust the process. Slow Progress is still progress. The faster things change the less likely it is to stick so your ok playing the long game!

6- Motivation comes from a desire for growth not from guilt. You recognize that motivators like guilt, remorse and shame are less than helpful. Instead you lead with grace and self-compassion.

7- You know that depriving actually leads to a storm of bad choices. Instead you listen to hunger and body cues and all your body to feel satisfied even if its not perfectly on plan.

8- You have let go of the RULES and decided that PRINCIPALS are best for YOU. What works for them might not be what works for you and thats ok. I have found my grove and I’m gettin’ it!!!

9 – You eat similar on Saturday as you do on Monday- letting go of the weekend binge or cheat is so freeing and your so happy to have found this balance!

10- Having a “bad” workout does not crush your spirits. You know that not everyday will be rainbows and butterflies and you’re thankful to just have the ability to workout.


See this on Instagram Here:

Looking for a way to increase your vegetable and fiber intake as well as moderate your carbohydrate intake?


Add in Zucchini noodles and swap for half your pasta or swap half your rice for riced cauliflower.  Add in riced beets & Zucchini to soups, sauces or meatloaf!
Let us know how you add veggies to your favorite dishes!


I feel like I am making better choices when I am eating out and cooking at home more than ever! -JT

This was shared in an intake review with a current client of coach Allison’s.  How great is it to see people feeling better not only about choices but also about efforts to prep and cook at home! So exciting.  We don’t know until we know. Getting in the habit of enjoying simple, cooked food from home can truly help us to feel our best and save $!!!




Would you like help with navigating this season that is full of food and drink and so many people over-indulging!  Do you struggle with any of these things?

Our seasonal survival guide is designed to help provide you with the tools to navigate this season with grace and joy instead of coming out the other side needing a reset and being 10 lbs heavier.

The coaches at Summit Health would love to help! Connect with us here and mention you want the FREE Seasonal Survival Guide.


By: Coach Alison Hochler

How to create new small healthy habits? Use a Habit Tracker! To get yours connect with us here and mention you want the FREE Habit Tracker.

Habit = a routine or behavior that is performed regularly and in many cases automatically 

  • Your brain builds a strong network of neurons to support your current behaviors.
  • The more you do something, the stronger and more efficient the connection becomes.
  • If you take a moment to think about the strong habits and connections that you take for granted each day. 
  • For example, your brain is probably very efficient at remembering 
  • to brush your teeth, take a shower each morning, brew your coffee… or thousands of other daily habits. 
  • What I want to talk more about today, is how you can take advantage of these strong connections to start building  new habits.
  • One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day 
  • Once identified, stack your new behavior on top. This is called habit stacking.
  • Habit stacking is a unique approach because  
  • Rather than pairing your new habit with a particular time and location, you pair it with a current habit. 

Why does this work?

  • You have current habits are already built into your brain
  • You have patterns and behaviors that have been strengthened over years. 
  • And so, by linking your new habits to a cycle that is already in place, you make it more likely that you’ll stick to the new behavior.
  • Once you have mastered this basic structure, you can begin to create larger stacks by chaining small habits together. 
  • This allows you to take advantage of the natural momentum that comes from one behavior leading into the next.

Where to start

 Take a piece of blank paper out or open a new doc on your computer 

  • Make a list of the automatic habits you already have in place
    • Get out of bed.
    • Take a shower.
    • Brush your teeth.
    • Get dressed.
    • Brew a cup of coffee.
    • Eat breakfast.
    • Take the kids to school.
    • Start the work day.
  • Identity the new habit you’re looking to build
  • Use the formula After/Before [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].
    • Its important to be specific here!  — there’s a difference between in the morning I will.. And “after I brush my teeth I will” 
    • The later → is specific and tells you exactly when you will perform this new behavior, where as “in the morning” can be ambiguous and may lead to inconsistency

Let’s talk about habit stacking in terms of the Back to Basics Challenge –
WEEK 1: Protein Eat Protein at every meal and 1 snack / day – we will have an approved Protein List to pick from 

  1. Before I go to the store, I will make sure I have a list with at least 2-3 different protein options 
  2. Before sit down to eat X, I will make sure I have a serving of protein before I start eating 
  3. Before I turn on the TV at night, I will plan my protein for each meal and 1 snack for the next day 

WEEK 2: Veggies Eat 3 Servings of Veggies daily – a serving is the size of a fist 

  1. Before I put them away in the fridge, I will chop/prep the veggies to make them easier to consume 
  2. Before I go to the store, I will make a list with at least 4 different types of veggies to purchase
  3. Before sit down to dinner, I will make sure I have at least one serving of vegetables on my place
  4. After I do my meal planning, I will skim over to make sure I’m getting at least 3 servings of veggies per day 

WEEK 3: Movement –
Move your body every day. Group fitness class, your gym session or a Minimum of a 15 minute walk, bike, stretch session or a day

  1. After I take off my work shoes, I will immediately change into my workout clothes.
  2. Before I go to bed, I will lay out my workout clothes for the morning 
  3. After I close/turn off my computer for my lunch break, I will go for a 15 minute walk, do 20 squats, 10 pushups etc. 
  4. Before I get into bed, I will stretch for 15 minutes 
  5. After I get out of bed in the morning I will stretch for 15 minutes
  6. When I see stairs, I will choose to take them over the elevator/escalator 

WEEK 4: Mindfulness  – Mindset -you have 2 options to choose from:Mindset -you have 2 options to choose from:

3 gratitudes  – 3 things you are grateful for (1 needs to be a person and you need to share with them your thoughts)
Download an app like headspace or calm and do a mindfulness exercise for 5 minutes minimum daily

  • After I pour my morning cup of coffee, I will meditate for 5 min 
  • After I sit down to dinner, I will say 3 things I’m grateful for that happened today.
  • After I get into bed at night, I will say 3 things I am grateful for today


Ready to build your healthy habits? The coaches at Summit Health would love to help! Connect with us here and mention you want the FREE habit tracker. Do you need a little help with accountability or follow through? We can help with that! Sign up for your 1:1 nutrition coaching!



1- Make sure you are eating enough daily.  Having enough protein, carbs and fat daily will ensure your cravings for sugar are now founded in lack of basic nutrients.


2- Make room for a “TREAT” each day.  The less restricted you feel going into an event or more sweet heavy season the less likely you are to over indulge.


3- Buy the things to share that you DON’T love.  Having treats or snacks for others that are easy for you to say not to requires less will power and are much easier to simply say NO to.


4 – Store them in the Freezer (in the garage or basement ) if needed.  We need to create some friction to the instant gratification of giving in.  So putting them out of sight or where it will take a bit for them to thaw and consume is helpful!


5- Commit to enjoy the candy UNDISTRACTED! Try to only enjoy these things while savoring every bite. Take time to smell, take in the texture and the subtle nuances of everything that you love about the treat or candy.  This will help your senses to be fully engaged and you will find not only that you enjoy it more but that you feel full and satisfied faster.  The flip side might also happen.  When taking the time to take in all the aspects of that candy you may find that you don’t actually enjoy it at all and then its no longer a pull for you!


6- If there are large amounts of candy or treats. Portion them out into snack size servings and commit to only enjoying a serving once or twice a day.


7- Set a timer – If you are craving these things and you know its just that… a craving set a timer – 

Walk away for 5-10 minutes and do something to distract yourself. If you find you cant get it off your mind, go enjoy a serving.  If you are still desirous of more – set another timer and give it 5-10 before you go back for seconds.


8 – Get it out of the house – If you truly find that you can not control your consumption of the sweets, get them out.  I know it might be wasteful to throw them away but passing them on to someone else who might struggle with the same moderation can be a two edged sword.  Putting them in the garbage can is ok.  Why do we feel that putting them in our body is better than the garbage can because it’s ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! YOUR BODY IS NOT A GARBAGE CAN!


9 – Rally support from those around you – Ask coworkers to not set the candy dish out – put it in a drawer so its harder to grab and go. Ask your kiddos to keep their candy in their room or locker at school.  Ask a friend to be an accountability buddy. Set a goal for candy consumption for the day or week and check in with them to share how it went or if you’re struggling.


10- Ask yourself one question before digging in…..Why do I desire this thing so badly?  If it is triggered by stress – go take a “ZEN 10” 5 minute walk or stretch and 5 minutes of deep breathing. If it is triggered by lack of sleep, recognize the signs and consume more whole grain carbs like oatmeal or a piece of toast and honey. If it is mindless (you just grab it because you see it there) – walk away and move on. If it is just flavor and desiring that taste, take a serving, spend 10 minutes enjoying every single bite and do not return for seconds until 20 minutes have passed.


Bonus tip:  Put it on a plate. I know that sounds strange but it will truly help you moderate what and how much you consume!! DO NOT EAT OUT OF THE PAN, BAG OR DISH!!!!!