Let’s say I offer to buy you the car of your dreams…


Imagine you can pick out any car you want, there’s just one catch.

It’s the only car you are ever going to get…in your entire life.

How would you care for that car?

Now imagine instead of a car you have been given one body.

How are you caring for it?


This statement about the car was made by Warren Buffet.  It truly hit me hard and I hope that it for a moment hits you the same way.  Our bodies are so resilient and incredible we can feed ourselves sub-par food and push ourselves to the limit and yet our bodies just keep showing up and coming back for more.

Let’s make it our mission to treat our bodies like they are…a gift.  Understand what they allow us to do and be grateful for what we have.  If we can focus on the positives then the shift we often want to see will come as a result of that instead of forcing it and missing the mark.

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