Why Squat?
Want to live your best life! SQUAT! They are essential to live even a NORMAL life! Think about it….All the everyday things that you do that require you to squat. The squat is so important for healthy knees, hips and backs. The other thing that is interesting in many cultures is that they don’t sit on chairs or toilets they squat! These modern day comforts have caused a loss of functionality when it comes to this very basic essential movement! If we want to age well and remain independent we must never stop squatting!
For Athletes it is even more necessary!
The squat is the foundation of good movement. Without powerful hip extension an athlete will never fully reach their potential! The capacity to explosively open the hip translates to so much! Running. Jumping. Throwing. Rowing. The other thing that makes squats so vital is aside from the deadlift no other movement elicits the same neuroendocrine response and in turn stimulates bone and muscle growth!
How to Squat Well:
Start with your feet at shoulder width apart or slightly wider – toes slightly out.
Look straight ahead.
Brace like you’re holding your breath – (but don’t) we don’t need you passing out.
Send your butt back and down.
As you squat make sure your knees are tracking out over your foot (don’t allow those knees to roll in).
Spread your toes and drive through your heels.
Lift your arms as you descend if you need a counter balance.
Keep that core braced.
If your hips are able to get below the line of your knee then squeeze your butt and stand up.
Again…Keep the weight in your heels and toes spread and at the top when legs are fully extended squeeze your butt and descend again….
That’s it! SIMPLE, FUNCTIONAL and so variable.
Different types of Squats:
- Back Squat
- Front Squat
- Overhead Squats
- Spanish Squats
- Dumbbell squat
- Goblet squat
- Zercher squat
- Bulgarian split squat
- Single Leg Squat – Pistol
- Cossack Squats
- Wall Squat
- Sumo Squat
- Plié Squat
- Split Squat
- Curtsy Squat
- Split Squat
- Frog Squat
- Box Squat
- Jump Squat
- Kang Squat
- Banded Squat
- Hack Squat
Ok did you have a flashback of Forrest Gump naming all the shrimp dishes imaginable?!?!
My point is…. If Health and longevity is your GOAL….SQUAT regularly!
It will improve your quality of life because it will improve joint and core stability, over all strength and bone health.
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