Veggies: 5 Tips to Prep and Cook Veggies so you’ll actually want to eat them!

1- Go Raw 

Prep them by having them clean and chopped and ready to enjoy. Enjoy with some greek yoghurt and powder ranch dressing . You can also throw them in a smoothie for a Super Shake. Spinach, kale, spring mix, it is all fabulous! This is a great way to get them in when on the go.

2- Make an awesome salad 

Forget the bland iceberg lettuce and lets get creative

Choose a “soft” leaf-like butterhead lettuce, spinach, or mixed greens.

Choose a “crunchy” leaf-like romaine lettuce or radicchio.

Choose a fresh herb like basil, dill, or parsley.

Choose a light dressing like olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette or make your own.

Chop it all up. Throw it together. Bam! You have a delicious serving or more of veggies

3- Eat them steamed

This is another simple and quick way to enjoy those veggies

All you need is a big pot of water and a steamer basket or a colander that will fit inside. Fill the pot with enough water so that it just barely reaches the bottom of the colander or steamer basket.

To steam your veggies, bring the water to a boil, add your vegetables, and place a loose-fitting lid on top to cover. (If your lid is more fitted over the colander, position it so that one side hangs over the colander just enough to let the steam escape.)

Steaming time depends on the vegetable. Make a quick google search for which veggie you are cooking

Pro Tip: Take them off when they are slightly undercooked, as they will continue to soften and cook after you have pulled them from the heat.  I prefer a more crisp firm steamed veggie over a mushed one. And…you can always pop them back in to boil if they are not cooked enough.

After steaming, try hitting them with a spritz of olive oil plus a sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper.If you are feeling saucy try some hot sauce or red pepper flakes. I also love everything beagle seasoning, 21 seasoning salute and Everything but the Elote seasoning on my veggies to spice things up.

4-  Go with Grilled or Broiled

Grilled or Broiled veggies go great with any protein perfectly and can even be a part of a delicious shish kabob with chicken, beef, or pork.

Brush them with the sauce of your choice, or a little olive oil. Sprinkle some salt or squeeze some lemon, and toss them on the grill or into the oven.  Keep a close eye as they are ready to eat in no time at all!

5- Add them to soups and stews or hashes.

Ever heard of the Kitchen Sink Stew? Sometimes you just gotta take a bunch of ingredients, throw them in a pot, and see what happens. It is often some of my favorite recipes. 

Creating a healthy, tasty soup or stew or hash is easy, especially with a slow cooker. No need to be a pro chef here, it’s just too simple to mess up! Throw it all in and some salt, pepper, garlic and LOVE and you’re good to go!  

Every Sunday my dad would clean our the Fridge and make kitchen sink hash.  Any protein left over, veggies he would chop up some potatoes and throw it all in a big cast iron pan and we would have a savory Kitchen Sink Hash.  

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