Sugar Cravings – 5 Tips to Kick those cravings to the curb!

First of all let’s look at why you may be craving sugar so much.  What is the science behind cravings?

  1. We consume so much Sugar now compared to in the past – 150/year now vs 6 lbs / year in the 1700
  2. We create patterns and habits around certain activities like watching TV or gaming = ice cream or celebrations = cake
  3. When we consume Sugar it triggers dopamine which feels good so this creates an unhealthy “reward” in your brain every time you eat it.
  4. When you eat sugar likely blood sugar then drops which in turn spikes the cravings for more sugar to bring blood sugar back up where it should be.
  5. Sugar triggers a hunger hormone called Ghrelin.  This then increases cravings because it makes you more hungry.


1- Eat less –

By reducing the amount of sugar you consume daily this will actually reduce your overall cravings for it.

2- Give it a Rest –

You can try to completely cut out added sugars for a month and you will notice a SUBSTANTIAL reduction in sugar cravings – not only are you changing your taste buds but you’re helping to in essence “reset” your hunger hormones. 

3- Disconnect your associations with Sugar –

Try to create new patterns and habits.  Celebrations do not have to mean cake and late night TV does not have to mean ice cream.

4- Exercise some restraint and mindfulness –

Notice and be mindful of when you have cravings come up.  Understand it and let it pass.  Drink some sparkling water, go for a walk, do 2 minutes of box breathing.  This will help create a new pattern and way of dealing with the craving.

5- Eat a Balanced Diet Everyday –

By consuming enough protein and adequate carbohydrates and fat you will be blown away at how cravings will all but disappear.  Eat 5-6 servings of Protein the size of your palm daily. Eat 5 cupped handful of healthy carbs daily and eat 5 servings of healthy fats the size of the tip of your thumb daily.


This is unique to each person but something to consider is if you have implored all of these things and you are still experiencing cravings that you feel are “out of control” you may have a fungal infection that might need addressed or you may want to limit your intake of artificial sugars as in certain people they can still trigger those sugar cravings as opposed to satisfying them.

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