Rest is not rehab

If you find that you have a nagging ache or pain and you just can not kick it…. what do you do?  First thing people do is rest. And honestly that’s a very good idea. Taking two weeks off with nothing that’s aggravating or irritating to the area is a great idea. 


Then what happens when you return to doing those things. Does the pain or ache come back? 


Often times it does. Sometimes people will modify things for a month or two maybe even three. And that might be what’s necessary but as soon as they go back to the movement the pain returns. 


I spent two years dealing with chronic shoulder pain resting. Not resting. Resting. And every time I would return to doing kipping pull-ups toes to bar or heavy shoulder to overhead my pain came back! 


Once I finally realized what the issue was. A severe strength and balance and thoracic mobility. I was able to fix the issue and my pain has never returned.


If you feel like you’re having chronic issues or pain. And rest is not working. Reach out. We would love to put you through either a mobility assessment, or a strength assessment, to find out exactly what the root cause is. 


Rest is not always the answer. & Rest is NOT rehab. 


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