How to let go of that ALL or NOTHING Mentality

 Here are five tips to help shift your mindset and let go of the perfectionism or dumpster fire mentality!


  1. **Embrace Imperfection**

Encourage your clients to understand that progress, not perfection, is the goal. Remind them that every small step forward counts, even if it’s not a giant leap. For example, if they miss a workout, it’s not a reason to abandon their fitness plan entirely. Instead, they can acknowledge the slip-up and get back on track the next day.

  1. **Set Realistic Goals**

Help your clients set achievable and realistic goals. Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This way, they can experience frequent wins and build momentum. For instance, instead of aiming to lose 20 pounds in a month, they can focus on losing 1-2 pounds per week.

  1. **Focus on Consistency, Not Perfection**

Consistency is more important than perfection. Encourage your clients to establish routines and habits that they can stick to most of the time. Even if they can only commit to 10-15 minutes of exercise some days, it’s better than doing nothing at all.

  1. **Practice Self-Compassion**

Teach your clients to be kind to themselves. Everyone makes mistakes and experiences setbacks. Instead of beati

ng themselves up over a missed workout or an indulgent meal, they should practice self-compassion and remind themselves that one slip-up doesn’t define their overall journey.

  1. **Celebrate Small Wins**

Encourage your clients to celebrate their small victories. Whether it’s drinking more water, cooking a healthy meal, or completing a short workout, recognizing these accomplishments can boost their confidence and motivation. Celebrating small wins reinforces the idea that progress is made up of many small steps.



For example, let’s say you miss your morning run because they overslept. Instead of feeling defeated and giving up on exercising for the day, instead do a 15-minute bodyweight workout at home later in the day. This small adjustment helps you to stay consistent without falling into the all-or-nothing trap.

Shifting from an all-or-nothing mentality to a more flexible and forgiving approach takes time and practice. By focusing on progress, consistency, self-compassion, and celebrating small wins, you can develop a healthier and more sustainable mindset toward your fitness and nutrition goals.


Consistency is needed not perfection.  

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