Ditch the diet roller coaster and create healthy habits that last a lifetime without paying for a one on one coach! 

Have the confidence to delete the spam... “fat burning” marketing emails! Scroll by the supplements in your social media feed! Walk on by when those coworkers are talking about the new fad diet they’re doing! 

Save your money and finally have peace of mind that you have found the true solution to fat loss and balanced health! 

Healthy Habits

FRUSTRATED, CONFUSED, and OVERWHELMED by all the information out there when it comes to dieting? 
Should I do keto? Whole 30? Avoid Carbs? Try fasting? It’s exhausting, I know.

TIRED of the CONSTANT SEARCH for that quick fat loss solution? Tired of trying every new product plan or thing that lands on the market just to be disappointed when it doesn’t work? 

TIRED of FEELING like your body is BROKEN? That it’s impossible to lose weight let alone keep it off?!

Trying to control a “lifestyle” related disease with MEDICATION. In your head you know that habits and nutrition need adjustments but you don’t know where to start ?!? 

Afraid of the genetic predisposition your family has toward those “lifestyle” diseases. Your BIGGEST FEAR is that tipping point, but you don't know where to even begin? 

Is your yearly physical followed by OVERWHELMING GUILT! You just don’t know where to turn or what the solution is? 

Are you?

You can...

DISCOVER the PEACE OF MIND that comes from knowing you have the answers and a specific plan for vibrant health. You know what each day, each meal, each moment should look like!

FREE your mind and LEARN THE TRUTH about the fat loss supplements that haunt your social media scroll and email inbox. Find YOUR clear path to fat loss and how you can maintain it forever! 

FINALLY UNDERSTAND your body's processes! You may have struggled with fat loss in the past but you ARE NOT broken and we can help you find out why you have struggled and how to be successful.

Enjoy the CLARITY that comes from waking up each day knowing you’ll have the energy to be the best boss, the best mate, the best leader that you can be!

No more fear! Head into your yearly physical with confidence, knowing that you have found the sustainable SOLUTION to enjoying balanced health.

Finally take control. DISCERN the DIFFERENCE between your genetic predisposition and owning your own habits to create the life you desire! You are not just a pawn to history. You can now create your future.

So are you in?

The Healthy Habits program is perfect for the corporate executive, the busy mom, the full time employee who is driven in so many aspects of life but like the rest they fall short when it comes to nutrition, health and fitness. 

Hey there! 

Amie Chambers

 Certified health and nutrition coach and wanna be professional adventurer! 

I’m driven to a fault. A hippie at heart. And a lover of all things adventure! I’m a recovered procrastinator, a coffee addict and a chocolate Fiend! I’m passionate, overly excitable and my greatest joys are being a mom, wife, daughter, and coach!

I love helping people cut the crap and find realistic solutions! I thrive on working with clients to find balance and success everyday all while eating the foods they love!

Feel MOTIVATED to change but DETERMINED to maintain those changes for a lifetime. 

So how does the
program work?

Each week on Sunday a new module will be released. You will receive an email with a link to both the video and the attachments to the guides and resources released that correlate with that week's module. Each week we will dive in one on one to the week's specific objectives. You will leave the module inspired, educated and with a specific goal, ready to make targeted habit changes!   

You will share that goal with our closed group discussion board. This is where you will ask questions, discuss roadblocks that come up throughout the week and share things that have been working well! You will have complete access to me (within reason) outside of your weekly modules. I am here as a coach, a resource and a leader for you!

Let's Talk Details! The Modules will cover:

We want to create permanent changes in habits and behaviors that will serve you well for years to come.

Why those are vital for vibrant health.
What that can and should look like for you individually based on your schedule.
We will discuss why it’s important to get outside!!!
We will also look at TDEE and BMR. (Don’t stress if you don’t know what those are, you will once this module is over.)
Set a goal or target for the week.

Movement and Neat

What are they and why do we need them?
How to build a plate/meal.
We will also discuss the benefits of Protein.
Where do we find it?
Why should we consume it?
How much? 
Set a goal for you when it comes to protein consumption. 

Macronutrients and Protein

Why they are an essential part of a balanced diet.
Where do you find the and what are the best sources?
How much should you be consuming? 
Common phobias and misconceptions 
We will talk about Alcohol, the 4th macronutrient! (You're not going to want to miss this one as I promise you will probably learn something you never knew before!)
We will also discuss sugar. The infamous carbohydrate! 
We will make some mind blowing comparisons.
Set a goal for the week


Why it is an essential part of our daily diet.
Where do we find it?
How much should we consume? 
What kind?
What about Low fat / NO fat / high fat / keto?  
What’s the best option for optimal health!
We will discuss Supplementation and the benefits and precautions there.
And again following the trend of creating healthy sustainable habits we will set a goal for the week.


We will educate you on both internal and external stressors and how they affect our health.
Helpful ways to manage stress.
Why exercise and sleep play a huge role in mitigating stress.
We will examine the benefits of Breathing - Meditation and Journaling and how those can assist in stress management.
Caffeine and its effect on stress and health.
How can nutrition and meal timing play an important part in helping to manage stress?
Set a goal for the week.


Where should you be for moving forward in the best manner possible!
Do you have a Growth or Closed mindset?  
If we need a shift - how do we make that happen?
We will discuss gratitude journaling and how that can assist in developing a growth mindset?
What part does nutrition play in regards to mindset 
Especially when it comes to: 
     Meal timing
     Balancing our plates.


Reach out with any questions!
Ready to join?
Reserve your spot now!

These 4 weeks really dive into nutrition. This is so important because we want each and every one of you to be an educated consumer. What your putting in your body matters! You need to know the overall far reaching effects!!!

Ok hang with me. We are getting there. Let's look at Week 5…This is a big one you guys.  

Module 1:

Module 2:

Module 3:

Module 4:

Module 5:

Module 6:

Last and final week!

Ditch the diet roller coaster and create healthy habits that last a lifetime without paying for a one on one coach! 

Have the confidence to delete the spam... “fat burning” marketing emails! Scroll by the supplements in your social media feed! Walk on by when those coworkers are talking about the new fad diet they’re doing! 

Save your money and finally have peace of mind that you have found the true solution to fat loss and balanced health! 

Healthy Habits

FRUSTRATED, CONFUSED, and OVERWHELMED by all the information out there when it comes to dieting? 
Should I do keto? Whole 30? Avoid Carbs? Try fasting? It’s exhausting, I know.

TIRED of the CONSTANT SEARCH for that quick fat loss solution? Tired of trying every new product plan or thing that lands on the market just to be disappointed when it doesn’t work? 

TIRED of FEELING like your body is BROKEN? That it’s impossible to lose weight let alone keep it off?!

Trying to control a “lifestyle” related disease with MEDICATION. In your head you know that habits and nutrition need adjustments but you don’t know where to start ?!? 

Afraid of the genetic predisposition your family has toward those “lifestyle” diseases. Your BIGGEST FEAR is that tipping point, but you don't know where to even begin? 

Is your yearly physical followed by OVERWHELMING GUILT! You just don’t know where to turn or what the solution is? 

Are you?

You can...

DISCOVER the PEACE OF MIND that comes from knowing you have the answers and a specific plan for vibrant health. You know what each day, each meal, each moment should look like!

FREE your mind and LEARN THE TRUTH about the fat loss supplements that haunt your social media scroll and email inbox. Find YOUR clear path to fat loss and how you can maintain it forever! 

FINALLY UNDERSTAND your body's processes! You may have struggled with fat loss in the past but you ARE NOT broken and we can help you find out why you have struggled and how to be successful.

Enjoy the CLARITY that comes from waking up each day knowing you’ll have the energy to be the best boss, the best mate, the best leader that you can be!

No more fear! Head into your yearly physical with confidence, knowing that you have found the sustainable SOLUTION to enjoying balanced health.

Finally take control. DISCERN the DIFFERENCE between your genetic predisposition and owning your own habits to create the life you desire! You are not just a pawn to history. You can now create your future.

So are you in?

The Healthy Habits program is perfect for the corporate executive, the busy mom, the full time employee who is driven in so many aspects of life but like they fall short when it comes to nutrition, health and fitness. 

Hey there! 

Amie Chambers

 Certified health and nutrition coach and wanna be professional adventurer! 

I’m driven to a fault. A hippie at heart. And a lover of all things adventure! I’m a recovered procrastinator, a coffee addict and a chocolate Fiend! I’m passionate, overly excitable and my greatest joys are being a mom, wife, daughter, and coach!

I love helping people cut the crap and find realistic solutions! I thrive on working with clients to find balance and success everyday all while eating the foods they love!

Feel MOTIVATED to change but DETERMINED to maintain those changes for a lifetime. 

We want to create permanent changes in habits and behaviors that will serve you well for years to come.

So how does the
program work?

Each week on Sunday a new module will be released. You will receive an email with a link to both the video and the attachments to the guides and resources released that correlate with that week's module. Each week we will dive in one on one to the week's specific objectives. You will leave the module inspired, educated and with a specific goal, ready to make targeted habit changes!   

You will share that goal with our closed group discussion board. This is where you will ask questions, discuss roadblocks that come up throughout the week and share things that have been working well! You will have complete access to me (within reason) outside of your weekly modules. I am here as a coach, a resource and a leader for you!

Let's Talk Details! The Modules will cover:

Why those are vital for vibrant health.
What that can and should look like for you individually based on your schedule.
We will discuss why it’s important to get outside!!!
We will also look at TDEE and BMR. (Don’t stress if you don’t know what those are, you will once this module is over.)
Set a goal or target for the week.

Movement and Neat

What are they and why do we need them?
How to build a plate/meal.
We will also discuss the benefits of Protein.
Where do we find it?
Why should we consume it?
How much? 
Set a goal for you when it comes to protein consumption. 

Macronutrients and Protein

Why they are an essential part of a balanced diet.
Where do you find the and what are the best sources?
How much should you be consuming? 
Common phobias and misconceptions 
We will talk about Alcohol, the 4th macronutrient! (You're not going to want to miss this one as I promise you will probably learn something you never knew before!)
We will also discuss sugar. The infamous carbohydrate! 
We will make some mind blowing comparisons.
Set a goal for the week


Why it is an essential part of our daily diet.
Where do we find it?
How much should we consume? 
What kind?
What about Low fat / NO fat / high fat / keto?  
What’s the best option for optimal health!
We will discuss Supplementation and the benefits and precautions there.
And again following the trend of creating healthy sustainable habits we will set a goal for the week.


We will educate you on both internal and external stressors and how they affect our health.
Helpful ways to manage stress.
Why exercise and sleep play a huge role in mitigating stress.
We will examine the benefits of Breathing - Meditation and Journaling and how those can assist in stress management.
Caffeine and its effect on stress and health.
How can nutrition and meal timing play an important part in helping to manage stress?
Set a goal for the week.


Where should you be for moving forward in the best manner possible!
Do you have a Growth or Closed mindset?  
If we need a shift - how do we make that happen?
We will discuss gratitude journaling and how that can assist in developing a growth mindset?
What part does nutrition play in regards to mindset 
Especially when it comes to: 
     Meal timing
     Balancing our plates.


Join the 6 week course


These 4 weeks really dive into nutrition. This is so important because we want each and every one of you to be an educated consumer. What your putting in your body matters! You need to know the overall far reaching effects!!!

Ok hang with me. We are getting there. Let's look at Week 5…This is a big one you guys.  

Module 1:

Module 2:

Module 3:

Module 4:

Module 5:

Module 6:

Last and final week!