This is a topic we are seeing surface A LOT right now for our clients. In a world wide pandemic along with it being around the holidays and in an election year! It seems to be a very challenging combination to no one’s surprise! Cue the eye roll and palm to forehead.
We need to come to the understanding that emotional eating does not heal emotional issues. Dealing with the emotions does.
There are so many emotions tied to food.
- Joy
- Celebration
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Boredom
- Sadness.
Learning to separate these emotions from cravings and the desire to mask them or accelerate them with food is integral for a long term healthy lifestyle.
Some may have leaned into the comfort of letting food distract them from pain or sadness however in the end it is only exacerbating those emotions more. Just like so many other things in life we at times have to lean into discomfort and sit with unease to truly root out the problem.
Now, please do not think that I am a self proclaimed expert on this topic. I am not. What I do know is that through self discovery, hard work and working with others, I have learned some simple key habits that can help. That being said, when there is real trauma that has triggered a non-stop emotional eating roller coaster then seeking out a professional is truly the best, most healing option. And, I encourage you to do it sooner than later. Work on rooting out those patterns early, although I understand it really can be difficult. Stay tuned as this week we will dive into this not so easy subject of emotional eating and how we can manage those triggers in a healthy manner.
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