Does your Ego control you?



Compromising your health to make the lift or be at the top of the leaderboard is the wrong decision.


How might ego get in the way of your goals.


Why might it? 


In his book Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday tackles the difficult topic of the place of ego in success. So often we become impatient on our path to success. We get caught up in what we think is important. We want to boast or show off, show the world our best side. 


All the while neglecting our weakness. Avoiding the work truly necessary to get better.

Can you think of a time in the past few weeks when you let ego get the best of you?


The danger of ego is the distortion and misperception of reality it creates. 


Compare this to an individual who has their ego in check. Winston Churchill said, “facts are better than dreams”. If you can be realistic with your current capacity it sets you up for true success. 


You will know where to leverage your strengths, how to attack your weaknesses, and a realistic view of the challenges and competition that could get in your way.


Working with a coach is one of the best ways to get a reality check.


They can hold you accountable when you try to skip the warmup you should be giving more effort toward. They make sure you get deep enough on every rep of your squat.


They’re not just fitness police though. They’ll tell you when it’s time to put more weight on the bar. To tell you exactly the strategy you need to execute in competition. They may not always give you the answer you want, but always the answer that you NEED.


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