Range of motion (ROM) refers to how far you can move or stretch a part of your body, such as a joint or a muscle.

Range of motion is important because if it is limited it can cause pain and limitations in the things you do everyday. Think putting on a seat belt or putting some time on a tall shelf or overhead. It can also cause compensation patterns that may lead to more dysfunction in your exercise routine.

We have a 9 point assessment that we can evaluate your range of motion if you feel like you might be limited, let us know and we can test it out. We can do this remotely too. We do not have to be in person so if you’re out of state or county no problem We can still help.https://www.instagram.com/reel/CaqSHK9FW5L/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Coach Chad putting an athlete thru a 9 point assessment.

When Chad has Client’s come in who are in pain, often times they have been in pain for a long time. Months or even years.

Obviously they want to see changes and improvement right away! We all do. We want it yesterday.

What we have to remind each and every client is progress takes time.

It takes diligence.

It takes consistency.

It takes patience.

It takes hard work.

But….with that comes pain free movement. Better range of motion. Joy back in training! Being able to lift things without worry and letting go of the nagging anxiety of what might really be wrong.

So much freedom comes from addressing what needs fixed.

Do you have a nagging pain or tinge you’ve been putting of getting take care of?

How are you feeling in the gym?

Are you eating to support performance?

What does that even mean?

We have a FREE Nutrition Seminar in 2 weeks where we will address performance nutrition. What you should and shouldn’t be doing.

Let’s celebrate this amazing client who’s crushing it!

Share with someone who inspires you or pushes you in the gym!