Are you looking for a supportive encouraging tribe to help you make healthier choices?

Are you looking for a little accountability?

How about a fun and supportive community with lots of fun food finds, recipes and meal prep ideas.

How about short, educational training on subjects that you actually care about!

Free coaching and Q&A sessions live on zoom weekly.

If this all sounds like something that you or one of your friends or colleagues would appreciate, join us in our Summit Health Facebook Group.

1 -Prioritize Protein – on the weekends we tend to eat less “meals” and maybe more snacks so really focus on Protein intake – 

2 – Go for a Walk & Get some sunshine!- managing stress helps to improve body composition so anything that helps to reduce stress will help our overall target.  Walk, play, train…whatever releases some stress – 

3 – Sleep in – those ZZZZZ’s are where out minds and bodies restore so if you are pushed for restful hours during the week, try to catch up on the weekends. – 

4 – Drink lots of Water – Water intake seems to tank on the weekends again because we are out of our regular routine.  Focus on drinking plenty and it will help! –

Coach – You don’t sleep well, you eat poorly, you’re dehydrated and you don’t exercise. 

Client –  If only there was something I could do about it.  

Coach – Go to bed earlier, eat better, go on a walk, drink water.  

Client – But there isn’t anything I can do.


This is not any of our clients but this can be a lot of people.  The quickest feedback we typically get from clients is I sleep better and I have more energy!  We normally get this feedback within 2 weeks of working with someone.

What is it? 

Why does it matter? 

How do I change mine? 


 Body composition is the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in our body.   


The reason that we want to look at it is because the amount of lean muscle and the amount of body fat percentage matters when looking at overall health.


Visceral fat is more likely to raise our risk for serious medical issues. Things like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol are some of the conditions that are most strongly linked to too much fat in your trunk. 


How do you change it? 

Stay tuned to this weeks posts.

pst……Are you confused or frustrated with trying to lose weight or understand what “diet” is right for you and your body?”

There are millions of diets claiming to be THE BEST and claiming to offer you THE BEST RESULTS.  

What we need to do is listen, learn and adjust.  

  • Do you know what your body needs on a daily basis for both energy and focus? 
  • How about if you want to perform better? What micros and macronutrients does your body need to support that? 
  • How about if you’d like to lose weight?  How many calories should you be eating?

If you are unsure of what you personally need with YOUR goals in mind.  Join us for master your macros.  We will create a nutrition prescription that is designed specifically for you! – slide