Hi everyone, welcome to today’s live! I’m very excited to be here with you all. Today, we’ll be discussing
the importance of getting movement outside over the summer and how it can be a nice break from the
monotonous gym routine. It’s been raining like crazy here in Colorado, but hopefully those of you in
Minnesota are enjoying all of your sunshine. I’ve heard it’s already been really hot, so if you’re going to be
sweating anyway, we might as well make it fun and make it work for you!
Summertime is the perfect season to break free from doing all of our workouts indoors and enjoy the
beauty of the great outdoors. It’s a time to get moving, connect with nature, and go on some adventures!
So, why is it not only fun, but important to prioritize outdoor movement during the summer? Great
question that nobody asked.
First and foremost, getting movement outside allows us to soak up some sun and in addition to looking
tan, we also get to absorb that much-needed vitamin D. Good news is if you’re like me and don’t get to be
tan, you still get Vitamin D! Vitamin D is essential for our bone health, immune system and overall well-
being. Plus spending time outdoors can actually boost our mood, reduce stress, and increase our energy
levels. There’s a reason “go get some fresh air” is a legitimate tip a lot of the time.
Another incredible reason to embrace the outdoors is the vast playground that nature provides.
Depending on where you live, you have hiking trails, bike paths, lakes, mountains, and so much more. My
personal favorite is mud. But there’s something for everyone! You can still enhance your physical fitness
the way you do inside, but you also get to stimulate your sense, get in a better mood, and take a break
from your daily routine which likely takes place mostly indoors.
Summer movement is also a great time to make memories with people you love who may not come to the
gym with you. I’m blessed to have a spouse, parents, and friends who love to come to the gym with me.
However, there are a lot of people I love to spend time with who won’t ever come in a CrossFit gym, but
are up for a hike, or some beach volleyball, or a bike ride, even if we’re biking to breweries. These
experiences not only strengthen our relationships – I don’t know if you’ve ever almost died on a backpack
trip with acquaintances, but I have, and let me tell you, you get really close to those people, but they also
promote healthy habits. AND a lot of these experience can be done with your young ones, which models
a healthy lifestyle for your kids. Encouraging them to be active and to spend time outside will help them
develop those habits long term.
Lastly, we can’t overlook the positive impact of outdoor movement on our mental health. I’m sure we have
a handful here who attend some yoga classes during the week; pick up your mat and go do your yoga in
the yard or at a park! Get off the treadmill and do your run or walk along the scenic route. Even if your
workouts will still take place in a gym setting, do your cool down outside and practice some meditation.
Doing your normal movement outside can have a remarkable effect on reducing anxiety, boosting
creativity, and improving our overall mental well-being. So, let’s prioritize our mental health this summer
and make an effort to get outside.
Now that we know why outdoor movement is so important, let’s move on to some practical tips to help
you make the most of the warm months.
Tip #1: Set goals and create a plan. Decide on a few activities you want to try doing outside this summer
– I’d suggest one you already do and one new one. If you swim laps at the indoor pool, give the outdoor
pool a shot and then add in some hiking with the family. If your family goes out for an ice cream night
once a week, ride your bikes there instead of driving, and then try a new outdoor sport like tennis or golf.

Pick your activities and then make a schedule and commit to it. If you struggle committing to things like
this, recruit a buddy and make it a regular appointment.
Tip #2: Stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun. I don’t need anyone passing out because they
decided to do their workout on 110-degree pavement instead of their air conditioned gym and they forgot
to drink water. Fill up your water, maybe even pack a second one, apply sunscreen regularly, and wear a
hat and sunglasses when it’s feasible. Safety should always be a priority when enjoying the outdoors.
You’ve got cars, weather, wildlife, lots to think about so take these into consideration, and don’t do yoga
next to a tree during a thunderstorm and then blame me.
Tip #3: Explore local parks and trails. You don’t need to travel very far to find hidden gems near your
home. Get online and research parks and trails nearby, I personally use an app called “All Trails” and you
can pick a trail based on difficulty, proximity, loop vs. out and back, terrain, shade, elevation gain, dog
friendly, bird watching, just about anything you can think of. It’s a great way to discover new places and
connect with your community.
Tip #4: Make it a social affair. I mentioned this a little bit before, but invite friends or family, or even join a
local group or club related to your preferred activity. If you live in an area with a larger population, you can
try the app “meet up” and find people doing any activity you enjoy. Two of my friends met during a flag
football meet up group and now they’re married. Sharing these experiences with others not only adds fun
but also provides accountability and motivation.
Tip #5: Related the tip #1 but it’s so important I’m going to say it again – try something new! Summer is
the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and give something new a try. Not every activity is going
to be the best fit for you. There are SO MANY options! If running on a sidewalk or biking down a mountain
isn’t your thing, give frisbee golf a try, join a kickball league, go hit golf balls at the range, and be okay
with being a beginner and enjoy the process of learning again. As adults, we’re generally pretty nervous
to learn a new physical task. Find a buddy and learn together, I promise you’ll have fun.
Thank you all again for tuning in. Have an amazing summer and I’ll see you outside!




We might need to dive into whats in your head versus whats on your plate.


We are talking this week about slowing down and keeping it simple!

But here is the question, after 4 weeks – 6 weeks – 8 weeks are you willing to stay committed.

Why are you wanting to do this?
Why do you want to change your health?
Why do you want to have more energy?
Feel more confident?

If you find that you can’t sustain the habits after 2-3 months then we need to dive into more what is in your mind that what is on your plate.

  1. Understand the Metrics

The first step to maximizing the use of your WHOOP data is to understand the metrics it measures. Here are some of the key metrics and what they mean:

  • Heart rate: This is the number of times your heart beats per minute. It gives an indication of your cardiovascular fitness level and the intensity of your workouts.
  • Heart rate variability (HRV): This measures the variation in time between each heartbeat. A higher HRV indicates better recovery and a lower risk of injury and burnout.
  • Sleep: WHOOP tracks the duration and quality of your sleep, including how much time you spend in each stage of sleep.
  • Recovery: This metric takes into account your HRV, sleep, and other factors to give you a score indicating how well your body has recovered from previous workouts.
  • Strain: This measures the intensity and duration of your workouts and gives you a score indicating how much stress you have put on your body.

By understanding these metrics and how they relate to your body’s performance, you can start to optimize your training and recovery.

  1. Use the WHOOP App

The second step to maximizing the use of your WHOOP data is to use the WHOOP app. The app provides a dashboard that shows you all of your metrics and allows you to track your progress over time. You can also set goals and receive personalized insights and recommendations based on your data.

Here are some tips for using the app:

  • Check your recovery score each morning: Your recovery score is a key indicator of how well your body has recovered from previous workouts. Use this information to adjust your training intensity and volume for the day.
  • Set goals: The WHOOP app allows you to set goals for various metrics, such as sleep and strain. Use these goals to stay motivated and track your progress over time.
  • Review your sleep data: WHOOP provides detailed information about your sleep, including how much time you spend in each stage of sleep. Use this information to optimize your sleep habits for better performance.
  • Use the strain coach: The strain coach is a feature in the WHOOP app that provides  recommendations for how much strain you should be putting on your body each day. Use this feature to optimize your training volume and intensity for better results.
  1. Take Action on the Data

The third and final step to maximizing the use of your WHOOP data is to take action on the data. Simply tracking your metrics is not enough. You need to use this information to make informed decisions about your training and recovery.

Here are some examples of how to take action on your WHOOP data:

  • Adjust your training volume and intensity based on your recovery score and strain coach recommendations.
  • Use your sleep data to optimize your sleep habits, such as going to bed earlier or avoiding caffeine in the evening.
  • Identify patterns in your data, such as how your HRV changes based on your diet or stress levels.
  • Use your WHOOP data to identify areas for improvement in your overall health and wellness, such as increasing your daily activity level or reducing your alcohol consumption.

In conclusion, WHOOP provides a wealth of data about your body’s performance and can help you optimize your training and recovery for better results. By understanding the metrics, using the WHOOP app, and taking action on the data, you can maximize the use of your WHOOP data and achieve your health and fitness goals

Weekend Planning at its Best!

1- Prep!

Prep some food before the weekend comes…some of your normal go to’s.

2 – Move your body!

It does not have to be a full workout or gym visit, just move. Play a round of golf, ride bikes with some friends, go for a walk with your kiddos.  Just move

3 – Plan!

If you are being social plan your meal / drinks ahead of time.  Visualize what you will enjoy and stick to the plan.  One drink: one water… and so on.

The weekend does not have to be a dumpster fire.  Some simple pre-planning and intention can make ALL the difference.  What works best for you on the weekend to keep things on track?

Want to know a secret?   

Walking 10,000 steps a day burns as many calories as a 20 intense workout! 

Now, hold the phone … .I am not saying that you should walk or workout to burn calories but too many people do not see the value of a simple walk and it can truly move the needle!!!! 

For every 2,ooo steps its about 100 calories burned so …if you’re struggling to fit in gym time…..no need to just give in and be a couch potato! Get up and walk!!!

Working out with the intent of burning as many calories as possible is like reading a book to see how many pages you can plow through!

The purpose of reading is to either educate or entertain not just cover ground.

Working out should be to improve yourself.  The mental and physical benefits are what we desire, not just a calorie burn!

Want fat loss? Want your clothes to fit better? FACT! Why should you strength train regularly ! 

1- Boosts fat loss! 

Muscle burns metabolically more calories than any other tissue on the body. Increasing muscle means you will burn more fat even when you’re sedentary


2- builds stronger bones! 

Weight-bearing exercise actually can strengthen bones so as we age this is super key for longevity and health! 


3- Reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. 

Building more muscle and maintaining it helps the bodies response to excess fat and carbohydrates. In turn reducing your risk of these lifestyle diseases


4- reduces your risk of injury 

Along with building stronger bones lifting weights build stronger tendons and connective tissue which intern can make you more resilient and resistant to small tweeks & sprains 


5- more lean muscle looks darn great and your favorite pair of jeans! Forget what the scale says lean muscle helps us to feel so confident in whatever we’re wearing because we look tight toned and fit! 


If you are struggling to find time to exercise give these a try:


1 – Find a habit that you can stack a workout around. Example: lunch hour – go for a 20 minute walk – Getting up – head out for a 10 minute jog


2 – Create a plan for what you will do – do not leave it to chance to decide that day what you will do.  If its a walk or an apple video or a core workout – decide NOW what it will be so you don’t waste 10 minutes looking thru videos and deciding what you’re in the mood for!


3- Rope a friend in. – Ask a coworker to walk on break – call a friend for a walk after work – ask you hubby or kiddo to join for a quick HIIT in the living room


4 – Set a 3 week target – any one can do something for 3 weeks. It doesn’t feel like forever but just dig in and make it happen. At the end of 3 weeks you will have created a pretty solid routine and it will be much easier to stick with the habit.


5- Plan for the worst – if it’s raining and you are going to walk – what now. If someone books a meeting over that lunch hour spot what’s the plan? – “I have an obligation during that time but i can meet at 1:30” Keeping your word to yourself matters too!


6- Stop making excuses – instead of continuing to lean on the thought that you “don’t have time” or “things always come up”  Just stop and instead create the mantra and mindset “Things may come up but i make it happen!”  “I am busy but I prioritize my health.” “I have time for what matters most to me and making time for exercise matters!”  Changing that ever scrolling message in our heads is key! If you think you can’t……guess what you won’t!

“I am not completely wiped when I get home from work any more.”

 “I used to come home from work and have to lay down. I don’t have to do that anymore!” 

Do you Need more energy to enjoy the evenings with your kiddos? 

We can help!  One of the most controllable things that you can do is eat well balanced nutritious meals throughout the day and this will set you up for not only consistent energy during your work day and you will come home and feel ready to tackle the evening with your family instead of needing to take a nap!

The balance of your deadlift to your back squat is key.

Your back squat should be about 80% of your deadlift.

Why does this matter?

Because we have a client right now who continues to experience back pain and is nervous to move because of this imbalance. Your posterior chain are the muscles on the backside of your body including the glutes, hamstrings, calves, erectors, lats, and rear shoulder muscles. If your quads are stronger than your posterior chain then in movements that should recruit these primary movers default to the quads bad things happen!