“My sex drive is the best its been in a decade!” JM –

Ok is this TMI for you?  

A healthy libido and sex drive is so important and a clear sign of hormone health.

This was feedback from a client who started the betty bites and was 3 months in!  

Our bodies are so amazing! It is so exciting to see hormone health not only recover but THRIVE!!!! 

“I can’t believe it. I worked a 12 hour day and normally I would have been absolutely tanked by the end but I still had energy to spare! This is unbelievable.” MN

How do you feel after a long day? Are you shot or can you tackle the next day with the same energy and vigor as today?



Range of motion (ROM) refers to how far you can move or stretch a part of your body, such as a joint or a muscle.

Range of motion is important because if it is limited it can cause pain and limitations in the things you do everyday. Think putting on a seat belt or putting some time on a tall shelf or overhead. It can also cause compensation patterns that may lead to more dysfunction in your exercise routine.

We have a 9 point assessment that we can evaluate your range of motion if you feel like you might be limited, let us know and we can test it out. We can do this remotely too. We do not have to be in person so if you’re out of state or county no problem We can still help.https://www.instagram.com/reel/CaqSHK9FW5L/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link