“Minds are like parachutes – they function best when open.” Thomas Dewar
A good amount of clients come to Summit Health being very close minded when it comes to white foods they’ve been taught are “good or bad or healthy or unhealthy”
One of our primary goals is to help our clients to understand that they can and deserve to have freedom when it comes to their food choices.
All we ask them to do is to be open minded. We Understand the science behind macro nutrients and what our body needs and we can take care of that part. We just ask that you be mindful and observant when you eat.
In that process so many clients discover foods that they felt were “bad” really can be a part of their diet they just have to find a way to enjoy those in balance.
The flipside of the coin is, often times we discover food intolerances or allergies and clients learning to limit or illuminate those so they can truly feel and operate at their best is literally freeing!
Learning to be open minded when it comes to nutrition is so freeing. If you’re feeling stuck or like you have all these walls built around food based on what you’ve been taught is good or bad for you, reach out! We would LOVE to help!
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