What Top 3 Supplements does Coach Lauren Recommend?

We get asked a lot as nutrition coaches which supplements our clients should be taking. The true answer is that is depends on the individual. A 23-year-old competitive athlete would probably be taking some supplements that wouldn’t be recommended for a dad in his 50s who is trying to get off their diabetes medication and has never been to a gym.

  • With the three supplements I chose, I went for things that ALMOST all people could benefit from having in the house, no matter your nutrition or fitness level.
  • My other disclaimer is this: everything in these supplements I’m about to recommend can ALSO be found in real food. And that is the recommended way to get these nutrients.

So…if I can get them from food, why are you they your top three supplements?

Because MANY folks can find it difficult to get all of these nutrients every day from their diet, so sometimes a supplement can help fill those nutritional gaps!

1. Green food supplement 

The recommended vegetable intake is AT LEAST 3-5 servings every day. If you love going to HyVee three days a week to pick out fresh produce, that might not sound so bad! However, less than 10%, probably closer to 5% of people meet these minimums. If you’re new to eating veggies, don’t like them very much, you travel a lot or are busy enough where prep becomes an issue, having a greens supplement on hand can help tremendously. 

Why is it so important we get our fruits and veggies in anyway? Studies have shown they reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, various cancers, and many, many more.

My recommendations:

Use the supplements in addition to real food, and if you have access to real food, eat that.

Find a reputable product: greens+ by Genuine Health. The best, most research-proven greens product on the market today.

Find one with a taste you enjoy. If you don’t like the taste of it, find some fruit and through it into a smoothie!

Lastly, they’re all unique in what’s in them, so be sure to read the ingredients label and get a product with no additives!

2. Fish oil supplement

There are two healthy fats (Omega-3s) that are only found in fish oils and most North Americans only have about 1/3 of the recommended daily intake (900mg).

 And again, you CAN find the Omega 3s you need from food. However, two of those Omega-3s can ONLY be found in fish oils, so to get it through your diet means eating oily fish daily, and that’s not a reality for most of us. The third Omega-3 though, can be found in a lot of foods we eat regularly like flax seed, chia seeds, and walnuts.

My recommendations: 

Either take a fish oil supplement (ask your doctor or nutrition coach to help you find an amount that’s right for you) or eat oily fish.

Make sure if you are eating fish, that it has a healthy balance of fats. This meaning, try and find wild caught fish. Farm-raised fish eat a lot of non-marine food which significantly decreases their Omega-3 content and increases their Omega-6 content.

If you decide to go the supplement route, make sure your fish oil is high quality.

  • O3mega by Genuine Health (liquid form) – pure essential fatty acids
  • Super Omega 3 Fish Oil by dotFIT (in capsule form) – high concentration
  • Omga Superb by Thorne Research (liquid) – still pure, but comes in raspberry lemonade flavor
  • Super EPA (capsule) – free of heavy metals and toxins, peppermint for taste

Check the expiration date, and buy it in smaller bottles. The reason for this is that it can go through a process called oxidation, meaning that it has chemical changes when it comes in contact with oxygen. So just like you don’t want your car to get rusty, you don’t want your fish oil to oxidize. 

To avoid oxidation: keep your fish oil in the fridge, and use it within 40 days. Keep it in the freeze for no more than 120 days. Any longer and your chances of oxidation increase.

3. Protein supplement 

  • Probably the one you were all waiting to hear. Most people who don’t track their protein intentionally aren’t eating enough of it.
  • The first thing that I want to say is, if you’re unsure about how much protein you should be eating, because there are all kinds of recommendations out there, speak with one of our coaches and we can help you work that out. 
  • Secondly, when possible, GET YOUR PROTEIN FROM FOOD. Not only will you feel fuller than taking it in supplement form, your body will better absorb and USE it. Our bodies don’t absorb protein nearly as well in liquid form – specifically whey protein. Now, I’m not bashing whey protein, I’m just saying consider ALL of your options. 
  • Again, this can be helpful if you don’t have room to keep a bunch meat, dairy, or eggs around. I find myself traveling a decent amount, a protein supplement works great when you are on the go or busy.

There are a lot of different types of supplements: try them all out, see how you feel with each of them. And do your research!

  • Whey: fast-digesting, high in BCAA’s (which you can get from food), and works great as a post-workout shake
  • Casein: go with micellar, it’s a slow-digesting protein, great for before bed time.
  • Collagen: helps with skin, joint, bone and gut health
  • Plant-based: for vegetarians or just wanting something more natural


My recommendations: 

Whey Protein Isolate by Thorne Research: whey protein choice that’s sourced from cows not treated with hormones and is cold-filtered to reduce the risk of denaturing its proteins. Contains no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners and comes in chocolate or vanilla.

VegaLite by Thorne Research: plant-based protein source; it’s a great-tasting, dairy-free, vegan protein using a blend of rice and pea proteins. The result is a protein powder with an amino acid combination that closely resembles whey

Ascent Protein

Ask your coach as your gym

When you can, get your nutrients from food. If you find yourself struggling to hit your protein goal, or eat enough fruits and veggies, because you’re always on the go or just don’t like them very much, look into how a clean supplement might be able to help.


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