Sciatic Nerve Flossing- What is it and how might I use it?

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the whole body and it’s as big a round as your pinky finger.  No wonder when things are pinched or off you feel it!   


Oftentimes people have some low back pain and will feel it traveling down their leg or butt and that is likely coming from the sciatic nerve. (We are not diagnosing or treating you here)


Mobilizing or GENTLY stretching the nerves can help to increase blood flow and decrease inflammation. They can have a drug-free analgesic effect , meaning they relieve pain with our medications.


We use nerve glides or tensioners with our Athletic Rehab clients all the time.  These have really proven to help so many with nerve pain that could never be addressed previously.  


Nerve “glides” or “flossing” are when you are moving the nerve back and forth in its natural path.  


Nerve “tensioners” put a bit of a stretch or tension on that nerve.


The key when doing “glides” or “tensionsers” is not to get too aggressive!  


You simply want a gentle stretch.  Do not force anything.  


As you progress in reps and sets the tension or tightness should dissipate.  Start with 3 sets of 8 reps – If it’s helpful incorporate a couple times a day especially if sitting at your desk or in a long car ride tends to  fire things up.  Using this as a helpful tool to loosen things up after sitting for too long can be life changing! 


If after a couple days of incorporating these techniques you do not feel or notice improvement and perhaps you feel worse. Discontinue the flossing and find another approach that is better for you.


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