“This week I ate way more fast food than normal.”

“This week I ate way more fast food than normal.

It seemed like pattern…when I ate fast food then I was hungry at night and it all went down hill from here.” 


We helped him figure out a better plan for breakfast and it completely fixed his daily calorie intake! He was back in a deficit daily and that in turn created progress the very next week! Slide 3 


This is feedback was from a clients nutrition tracker after a week that felt off for him. We were able to dive into why things were off and what that lead to! 


The interesting thing is, we have clients every day losing weight and eating fast food. They have learned to balance whole real food with other quick options. 


However, sometimes eating fast food or eating those more quick, convenient, highly palatable or processed things can lead to other decisions that take us off track! 


What this client noticed was that by eating fast food for breakfast, he found he was hungrier throughout the day and then would end up overeating at night! Now that is valuable feedback! 


We helped him figure out a better plan for breakfast and it completely fixed his daily calorie intake! He was back in a deficit daily and that in turn created progress the very next week! 


The benefits of looking at the big picture and having an objective perspective when it comes to nutrition are unmatched! 


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