How should you return to your sport after some time off?

Just because you could go run a 5k does not mean you should!


You have been quarantined for 2 weeks. Can you just head back in the gym and crush it like when you left? Slide 2

You haven’t run for months. Should you just hit the pavement like you did last fall?


It’s spring and you haven’t run for 4 months. But in the fall you were running 3 miles twice a week. Can you just return to your standard 3 miles twice a week?


In short you know the answer is NO. But what things should you consider?  


You may have the desire and capacity to run a 5K or do 50 kipping pullups but should you.  Your tissues and joints may not be ready for that volume all at once.  Running is a repetitive motion.  It’s very cyclinc meaning the same movement pattern over and over so that amount of “repetitions” may be too much if brought on all at once. You need to progressively prepare your body and tissues for that.


You need to consider your CHRONIC Workload. This is the total amount of “work” or “milage” you have completed in the last 4 weeks and you also need to consider your ACUTE workload which is the amount of “work” or “milage” you have put in, in the last week.  That ratio ideally should not be less than 1.5  There is a ton of research out there that has helped to determine this ratio to be the most effective to not exceed in order to prevent unnecessary injury or flare ups.  Going from no running at all, to heading out for a 5K would be a substantial spike in mileage and could be far better prepared for and received by the body if you would spend the next 4 weeks very slowly and progressively increasing mileage.  


The same is true if you have been on vacation or quarantined and have had very little acute workload in the last week.


Our role as coaches both for our personal training clients at home and for our athletes in the gym is to make sure we are always taking these things into consideration.  I understand most people don’t need to concern themselves with this because we do the programming for you.  That is beautiful!  I want each of you to understand there is a method to everything and we will always do our best to make sure we have the knowledge and education to keep you as safe and as healthy as possible.  We appreciate the trust you put in us as your coaches and we respect all the hard work you each put in everyday! 


What questions do you have about returning to sport or running?

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