Slow is smooth & smooth is fast

Sometimes we need to slow down to speed up.  


Now, if you know me you know this is a hard concept for me.  Everything I do, I do at 100mph!  Go big or go home right! However, there is so much to be learned from this mantra.  Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.  


Taking the time to plan, prepare and execute will in the end boad far better than just going all in 100mph.


Take the time to think through each decision and plan of action you’re going to take this week.  See if you notice how much more smooth things flow when there is really intention behind the action.  


You just may be delightfully surprised just like I always am.  Slow is smooth but….Smooth is FAST! 🙂


How have you learned this lesson is life? Share with us your thoughts.


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